Valid Chess Openings

According to Stockfish 15 in Depth 18, these openings score between -0.2 and +0.4 Points, therefore are not a too big advantage for any side
A00Anderssen’s Openinga3
A00Creepy Crawly Formationa3 e5 h3 d5
A00Ware; Meadow Hay; Craba4
A00Cologne Gambit, Ware Openinga4 b6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nd7
A00Polish; Orangutan; Sokolsky; Huntb4
A00Birmingham Gambit, Polishb4 c5
A00Outflank Variation, Polishb4 c6
A00Schuhler Gambit, Polishb4 c6 Bb2 a5 b5 cxb5 e4
A00Myers Variation, Polishb4 d5 Bb2 c6 a4
A00Wolferts Gambit, Polishb4 e5 Bb2 c5
A00Bucker Defense, Polishb4 Na6
A00Grigorian Variation, Polishb4 Nc6
A00Karniewski; Tubingen Variation, Polishb4 Nh6
A00Saragossa; Hempel’s Openingc3
A00Hanham; Haywardc3 e5 Qc2
A00Mieses; Valencia; Venezuelan Openingd3
A00Reversed Ratd3 e5
A00Van’t Kruijs Openinge3 e5
A00Amsterdam Attacke3 e5 c4 d6 Nc3 Nc6 b3 Nf6
A00Benko; Barczay; Bilek; Hungariang3
A00Reversed Alekhineg3 e5 Nf3
A00Lasker Simul Specialg3 h5
A00Alessi Gambit, Grobg4 f5
A00Double Grobg4 g5
A00Bucker Defense, Grobg4 Nh6
A00Clemenz Openingh3
A00Koola-Koolah4 a5
A00Dunst; Heinrichsen; Will Bull; KotrcNc3
A00St. George Defense, DunstNc3 a6
A00Dunst GambitNc3 d5 e4 dxe4 d3
A00Amazon, DunstNc3 d5 e4 dxe4 Nxe4 Qd5
A00Reversed NimzovichNc3 e5
A00Battambang, DunstNc3 e5 a3
A00Napoleon Attack, DunstNc3 e5 Nf3
A00Glasscoe Gambit, DunstNc3 f5 g4
A00Anti-Pirc Variation, DunstNc3 g6 h4
A01Larsen; Queen’s Fianchetto; Nimzo-Larsen Attack A01b3
A01Symmetrical Variation, Larsenb3 b6
A01English Variation, Larsenb3 c5
A01Classical Variation, Larsenb3 d5
A01Modern Variation, Larsenb3 e5
A01Ringelbach Gambit, Larsenb3 e5 Bb2 f5 e4
A01Dutch Variation, Larsenb3 f5
A01Indian Variation, Larsenb3 Nf6
A10English Opening; A10c4
A30Symmetrical Defense, English; A30c4 c5
A34Normal Variation, Symmetrical English; A34c4 c5 Nc3
A35Two Knights Variation, Symmetrical English; A35c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6
A36Fianchetto Variation, Symmetrical English; A36c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3
A36Symmetrical Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7
A36Botvinnik System Reversed, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 e3 e5
A36Botvinnik Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 e4
A37Two Knights Line, Symmetrical English; A37c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3
A38Full Symmetry Line, Symmetrical English; A38c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 Nf6
A38Double Fianchetto, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 Nf6 O-O O-O b3
A38Duchamp Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 Nf6 O-O O-O d3
A39Mecking Variation, Symmetrical English; A39c4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 Nf6 O-O O-O d4
A34Fianchetto Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nf6 g3
A34Rubinstein Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 Bg2 Nc7
A34Asymmetrical Variation, Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5
A34Keres-Parma System, Englishc4 c5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 e6 g3 Nc6
A31Anti-Benoni Variation, Symmetrical English; A31c4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 d4
A31Two Knights Variation, Englishc4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4
A32Spielmann Defense, Symmetrical English; A32c4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e6
A33A33c4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e6 Nc3 Nc6
A33Geller Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e6 Nc3 Nc6 g3 Qb6
A30Hedgehog Variation, Symmetrical Englishc4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 O-O e6 Nc3 Be7
A30Double Fianchetto Defense, Englishc4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 g3 b6 Bg2 Bb7 O-O g6
A11Anglo-Slav, English; A11c4 c6
A12A12c4 c6 Nf3 d5 b3
A12Bled Variation, Englishc4 c6 Nf3 d5 b3 Nf6 g3 g6
A10Schulz Gambit, Englishc4 d5 cxd5 Nf6
A10Malvinas Variation, Englishc4 d5 cxd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qa5
A20King’s English; A20c4 e5
A20Drill Variation, Englishc4 e5 g3 h5
A21Reversed Sicilian, English; A21c4 e5 Nc3
A21Kramnik-Shirov Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Bb4
A21Troger Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 d6 g3 Be6 Bg2 Nc6
A21Keres Defense, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 d6 g3 c6
A21General Variation, King’s Englishc4 e5 Nc3 d6 Nf3
A21Anglo-Dutchc4 e5 Nc3 f5
A25Reversed Closed Sicilian, English; A25c4 e5 Nc3 Nc6
A25Taimanov Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7
A25Hungarian Attack, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Rb1
A26Closed System, King’s English; A26c4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3
A25Closed System, Full Symmetry, King’s Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6
A25Botvinnik System, King’s Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6 e4
A25Bremen-Hort Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 e3 d6 Nge2 Be6
A25Botvinnik Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 e4
A27Three Knights System, English; A27c4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3
A28Four Knights Variation, English; A28c4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6
A28Korchnoi Line, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 a3
A28Flexible Line, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 d3
A28Bradley Beach Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 d4 e4
A28Quiet Line, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 e3
A28Romanishin Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 Bxc3
A28Keene; Stean Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bb4 Qc2 O-O Nd5 Re8 Qf5
A28Botvinnik Line, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 e4
A29Fianchetto Line, Four Knights English; A29c4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Nf3 Nf6 g3
A22Two Knights Variation, English; A22c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6
A22Bremen; Carls Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3
A22Kapengut; Smyslov; Modern V, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bb4
A23Keres Variation, English; A23c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 c6
A23Reversed Dragon, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 d5
A24Fianchetto Lines, Two Knights Variation, English; A24c4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 g6
A24Prickly Pawn Pass System, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6 e4 O-O Nge2 c6 O-O a6
A22Bellon Gambit, Englishc4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 e4 Ng5 b5
A20Nimzovich Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nf3
A20Nimzovich-Flohr Variation, Englishc4 e5 Nf3 e4
A20English Queenc4 e5 Qa4
A13Agincourt; Kurajica Defense, English; A13c4 e6
A13English Defensec4 e6 d4 b6
A13King’s Knight Variation, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5
A13Wimpy System, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 b3 Nf6 Bb2 c5 e3
A13Afincourt Variation, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3
A13Kurajica Defense, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3 c6
A13Neo Catalan, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3 Nf6
A14A14c4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7
A14Neo Catalan Declined, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O
A14Keres Defense, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O c5 cxd5 Nxd5 Nc3 Nc6
A13Neo Catalan Accepted, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 d5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 dxc4
A13Romanishin Gambit, Englishc4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 g3 a6 Bg2 b5
A10Anglo-Dutch Defensec4 f5
A10Anglo-Polish Dutchc4 f5 b4
A10Wade Gambit, Englishc4 f5 g4
A10English Spikec4 f5 g4
A10Chabanon Gambit, Englishc4 f5 Nf3 d6 e4
A10Great Snake, Englishc4 g6
A10Adorjan System, Englishc4 g6 e4 e5
A10Beefeaterc4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 d4 c5 d5 Bxc3 bxc3 f5
A10Anglo-Lithuanian Variation, Englishc4 Nc6
A15Anglo System, English; A15c4 Nf6
A15Mikenas-Carls Variation, Englishc4 Nf6
A15Shirazi Shovec4 Nf6 g3 h5
A16A16c4 Nf6 Nc3
A16Golombek Defense, English; Anti Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 d5
A16Czech Variation, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 g3 g6 Bg2 Nb6
A17Smyslov Defense, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 g3 g6 Bg2 Nxc3
A16Korchnoi’s Variation, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 Nf3 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 e5
A16Stein Attack, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 Nf3 g6 Qa4+
A17Hegehog System, Anglo-Indian English; A17c4 Nf6 Nc3 e6
A18Flohr-Mikenas-Carls Variation, English; A18c4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 e4
A19Floh-Mikenas-Carls Variation, English; A19c4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 e4 c5
A19Nei Gambit, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 e4 c5 e5 Ng8
A18Kevitz Defense, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 e4 Nc6
A18Queen’s Indian Formation, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Nf3 b6
A17Nimzo-English Openingc4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Nf3 Bb4
A17Zviagintsev-Krasenkov Attack, Englishc4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Nf3 Bb4 g4
A16Anti-anti-grunfeldc4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 e4
A15King’s Knight Variation, Englishc4 Nf6 Nf3
A15Romanishin Variation, Englishc4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 g3 a6
A40Queen Pawn Opening; A40d4
A40Spassky Gambit, Polish Defensed4 b5 e4 Bb7 Bxb5
A43Staunton Defense; Benoni C-G; A43d4 c5
A43Zilbermints Gambit; Nakamura Gambit, Benonid4 c5 b4 cxb4
A43Old Benonid4 c5 d5 d6
A43Schmid Variation, Benonid4 c5 d5 d6 Nc3 g6
A43Franco-Benoni; Franco-Siciliand4 c5 d5 e6 e4
A43Benoni-Indian Defensed4 c5 d5 Nf6
A43Kingside move order, Benonid4 c5 d5 Nf6 Nf3
A43Benoni Gambit Acceptedd4 c5 dxc5
A43Schlenker Defense, Benonid4 c5 dxc5 Na6
D00Queen Pawn Game; Close Opening; D00d4 d5
D00Sarratt Attackd4 d5 Bf4
D00Steinitz Countergambit, Queen Pawn Gamed4 d5 Bf4 c5
D00Morris Gambitd4 d5 Bf4 c5 e4
D00Morris Counter-Gambitd4 d5 Bf4 c5 e4 dxe4
D00Bishop Attack; Levitsky Attack, Queen Pawn Gamed4 d5 Bg5
D00Zotd4 d5 Bg5
D00Welling Variation, Queen Pawn Gamed4 d5 Bg5 Bg4
D00Euwe Variation, Queen Pawn Gamed4 d5 Bg5 h6 Bh4 c6 Nf3 Qb6
D06Queen’s Gambit; Aleppo Gambit; D06d4 d5 c4
D31Baltic Defense, QGDd4 d5 c4 Bf5 cxd5 Bxb1 Qa4+ c6 dxc6 Nxc6
D06Pseudo-Slav, QGDd4 d5 c4 Bf5 Nc3 e6 Nf3 c6
D06Pseudo-Chigorin, QGDd4 d5 c4 Bf5 Nc3 e6 Nf3 Nc6
D06Queen Attack, Baltic Defens, QGDd4 d5 c4 Bf5 Nc3 e6 Qb3
D06Austrian Defense; Summetrical Defense, QGDd4 d5 c4 c5
D06Gusev Countergambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 c5 cxd5 Nf6
D06Haberditz Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 c5 cxd5 Nf6 e4 Nxe4 dxc5 Qa5+
D06Salvio Countergambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 c5 dxc5 d4
D10Slav Defense; Czech Defense, QGD; D10d4 d5 c4 c6
D10Exchange Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 cxd5
D10Slav Pawn Gamed4 d5 c4 c6 e3
D10Alekhine Attack, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nc3 dxc4 e4
D10Winawer Counter Gambit, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nc3 e5
D11Modern Line, Slav; D11d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3
D11Slav Bishop’s Gamed4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Bf5
D13Exchange Variation, Slav; D13d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 cxd5
D14Symmetrical Line, Slav; D14d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 cxd5 cxd5 Nc3 Nc6 Bf4 Bf5
D14Trifunovic Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 cxd5 cxd5 Nc3 Nc6 Bf4 Bf5 e3 e6 Qb3 Bb4
D11Quiet Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 e3
D12Schallopp Defense, Slav; D12d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bf5
D12Amsterdam Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bf5 cxd5 cxd5 Nc3
D12Rotterdam Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bf5 cxd5 cxd5 Qb3
D12Landau Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bf5 cxd5 cxd5 Qb3 Qc8 Bd2 e6 Na3
D12Pin Defense, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bg4
D11Breyer Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nbd2
D15Three Knights Variation, Slav; D15d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3
D15Chameleon Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 a6
D15Two Knights Attack, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4
D16Alapin Variation, Slav; D16d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4
D17Czech Defense; Open Slav Defense; D17d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5
D18Dutch Variation, Slav; D18d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3
D19Main Line, Czech Variation, Slav; D19 d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3 e6 Bxc4 Bb4 O-O O-O Qe2
D18Mareschall Variation, Slav; Lasker Variationd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 e3 Na6
D17Krause Attack, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 Ne5
D17Wiesbaden Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 Ne5 e6
D17Sharp Line, Wiesbaden Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 Ne5 e6 f3 Bb4 e4
D17Fazekas Gambit, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 Ne5 Na6 e4
D17Carlsbad Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 Ne5 Nbd7 Nxc4 Qc7 g3 e5
D17Baarn Variation, Slav; Bled Attackd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Bf5 Nh4
D16Soultanbeieff Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 e6
D16Smyslov Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 a4 Na6
D15Alekhine Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 e3
D15Alekhine Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 e3 b5 a4 b4
D15Geller Variation; Geller-Tolush Var, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 dxc4 e4
D15Schlechter Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 g6
D15Suchting Variation, Slavd4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 Qb6
D20Queen’s Gambit Accepted; D20d4 d5 c4 dxc4
D20Old Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e3
D20Christensen Gambit, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e3 e5 Bc4 exd4 Qb3 Qe7 Nf3
D20Saduleto Variation, QGA; Central Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4
D20Greco Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4 b5
D20Rubinstein Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4 c5
D20Linares Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4 c5 d5 Nf6 Nc3 b5
D20McDonnell Defense, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4 e5
D20Modern Defense, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4 Nc6
D20Alekhine System, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 e4 Nf6
D21Blackburne’s Move, QGA; Normal Variation, QGA; D21d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3
D21Alekhine Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 a6
D22D22d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 a6 e3
D22Haberditz Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 a6 e3 b5
D22Alekhine Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 a6 e3 Bg4
D22Borisenko-Furman Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 a6 e4
D21Slav Gambit, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 b5
D21Gunsberg Defense, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 c5
D21Prianishenmo Gambit, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 c5 d5 Nf6 Nc3 e6 e4 exd5 e5
D21Rosenthal Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 e6
D23D23d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6
D25D25d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3
D25Flohr; Winawer Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Be6
D25Larsen; Janowski; Modern Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bg4
D26Traditional System QGA; D26d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6
D26Classical Defense, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5
D27Rubinstein Variation, QGA; D27d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6
D27Furman Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 dxc5 Bxc5
D27Russian Gambit, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 e4
D28Alekhine System, Classical Defense, QGA; D28d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 Qe2
D28Accelerated Fianchetto, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 Qe2 b5
D29D29d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 Qe2 b5 Bb3 Bb7
D29Smyslov Variation, Classical Defense, QGA d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 Qe2 b5 Bb3 Bb7 Rd1 Nbd7 Nc3 Bd6
D28Counter Fianchetto Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 Qe2 Nc6 dxc5
D28Four Knights Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O a6 Qe2 Nc6 Nc3
D26Steinitz Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O cxd4
D26Development Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bxc4 c5 O-O Nc6
D25Smyslov Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 e3 g6
D24Showalter Variation, QGA; D24d4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3
D24Bogoljubow Defense, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 a6 e4
D23Mannheim Variation, QGAd4 d5 c4 dxc4 Nf3 Nf6 Qa4+
D08Albin Countergambit; Cavalotti Var, QGD; D08d4 d5 c4 e5
D08Lasker Trap, QGDd4 d5 c4 e5 dxe5 d4 e3 Bb4+ Bd2 dxe3
D08Normal Line, Albin Countergambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 e5 dxe5 d4 Nf3
D09Fianchetto Variation, Albin Countergambit; D09d4 d5 c4 e5 dxe5 d4 Nf3 Nc6 g3
D08Alapin Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e5 dxe5 d4 Nf3 Nc6 Nbd2
D30D30d4 d5 c4 e6
D31Queen’s Knight Variation, QGD; D31d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3
D31Janowski Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 a6
D31Alapin Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 b6
D31Alatortsev; Petrosian, Charousek Var, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Be7
D32Tarrasch Defense, QGD; D32d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5
D32Schara-Hennig; Duisburg Gambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 cxd4
D32Von Hennig Gambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 cxd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Qd1 exd5 Qxd5 Be6
D32Tarrasch Gambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 dxc5 d4 Na4 b5
D32Marshall Gambit, Tarraschd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 e4
D32Two Knights Variation, Tarraschd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3
D33Lodz; Schlecter; Rubinstein Var, QGD; D33d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3
D33Folkestone; Swedish Var, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 c4
D33Prague Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6
D34D34d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7
D34Rubinstein; Normal Position, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O
D34Carlsbad Variation, Tarrasch d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Bg5
D34Endgame Variation, Tarrasch d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Bg5 Be6
D34Bogoljubow Variation, Tarrasch d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Bg5 Be6 Rc1 c4
D34Advance Variation, Tarrasch d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Bg5 c4
D34Spassky Variation, Tarrasch d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Bg5 cxd4 Nxd4
D34Reti Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O dxc5 Bxc5 Na4
D34Classical Tarrasch Gambit d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O dxc5 d4
D33Wagner Variation, Tarraschd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nc6 g3 Nf6 Bg2 Bg4
D32Symmetrical Variation, Tarraschd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c5 e3 Nf6 Nf3 Nc6
D31Semi-Slav Defensed4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6
A84Slav Stonewall, Dutchd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 e3 f5
D31Portisch Gambit, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 e3 f5 g4
D31Marshall Gambit, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 e4
D31Noteboom Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 Nf3 dxc4
D31Abrahams; Noteboom; Klaus Junge Var, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 Nf3 dxc4 a4 Bb4 e3 b5 Bd2 a5
D31Anti-Noteboom Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 Nf3 dxc4 Bg5
D31Beliavsky Line, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 c6 Nf3 dxc4 Bg5 f6
D35D35d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6
D35Harrwitz; Rubinstein Var, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bf4
D50Modern Variation, QGD; D50d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5
D53D53d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7
D53Heral Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 Bxf6
D53Lasker Defense, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 Ne4
D55D55d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3
D55Pillsbury Attack, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 b6 Bd3 Bb7 cxd5 exd5 Ne5
D55Neo Orthodox Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6
D56D56d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4
D58Tartakower Variation, QGD; D58d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4 b6
D59Exchange Variation, Tartakower Defense, QGD; D59d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4 b6 cxd5 Nxd5
D56Lasker Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4 Ne4 Bxe7 Qxe7
D57D57 d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4 Ne4 Bxe7 Qxe7 cxd5
D57Bernstein Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4 Ne4 Bxe7 Qxe7 cxd5 Nxc3 bxc3
D56Teichmann Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bh4 Ne4 Bxe7 Qxe7 Qc2
D55Anti-Tartakower Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bxf6
D55Petrosian Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 h6 Bxf6 Bxf6 Rc1 c6 Bd3 Nd7 O-O dxc4
D60Orthodox Variation, QGD; D60d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7
D60Botvinnik Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Bd3
D60Rauzer Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Qb3
D61Rubinstein Variation, Orthodox Defense, QGD; D61d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Qc2
D62D62d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Qc2 c5 cxd5
D63D63d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1
D63Henneberger; Swiss Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 a6
D63Capablanca Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 b6 cxd5 exd5 Bb5
D63Pillsbury Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 b6 cxd5 exd5 Bd3
D63Rubinstein Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6
D66D66d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Bd3
D66Fianchetto Variation, Orthodox Defense, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5
D67Capablanca Freeing Maneuver, QGD; D67 d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 Nd5
D67Alekhine Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 Nd5 Bxe7 Qxe7 Ne4
D64Janowski Variation, Orthodox Defense, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 Nd5 h4
D64Rubinstein Attack, Orthodox Defense, QGD; D64d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Qc2
D65D65 d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Nf3 Nbd7 Rc1 c6 Qc2 a6 cxd5
D54Neo-Orthodox Variation, QGD; D54d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e3 O-O Rc1
D50Uhlmann Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 Nf3 h6 Bh4 O-O Rc1 dxc4
D50Been & Koomen; Dutch & Peruviand4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 c5
D50Pseudo-Tarrasch Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 c5 cxd5
D50Primitive Pillsbury Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 c5 Nf3 cxd4 Qxd4
D51Knight Defense, QGD; D51d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7
D51Manhattan; Westphalia Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 Bb4
D51Westphalian Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 Bb4 Nf3 c5
D52D52d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 c6 Nf3
D52Cambridge Springs; Pillsbury Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 c6 Nf3 Qa5
D52Bogoljubov Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 c6 Nf3 Qa5 Nd2 Bb4 Qc2
D52Argentine Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 c6 Nf3 Qa5 Nd2 Bb4 Qc2 O-O Bh4
D51Alekhine Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 Nf3 c6 e4
D51Alekhine Gambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 Nf3 h6 Bh4 dxc4
D35Exchange Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 cxd5
D35Positional Variation, Exchange Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 cxd5 exd5 Bg5
D36Reshevsky Variation, QGD; D36d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 cxd5 exd5 Bg5 c6 Qc2
D35Saemisch Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 cxd5 exd5 Nf3 Nbd7 Bf4
D37Three Knights Variation, QGD; D37d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3
D38Ragozin Variation, QGD; D38d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Bb4
D39Vienna Variation, QGD; D39d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Bb4 Bg5 dxc4
D38Alekhine Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Bb4 Qa4
D37Harrwitz Attack, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 Be7 Bf4
D40Semi-Tarrasch Variation, QGD; D40d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c5
D40Pillsbury Variation, Semi-Tarraschd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c5 Bg5
D41D41d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c5 cxd5
D42D42d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c5 cxd5 Nxd5 e3 Nc6 Bd3
D41San Sebastian Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 cxd4 cxd4 Bb4+ Bd2 Bxd2+
D43D43d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6
D43Anti-Meran Gambit, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 Bg5
D44Semi-Slav Defense Accepted; D44d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 Bg5 dxc4
D44Botvinnik Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 Bg5 dxc4 e4 b5
D44Lilienthal Variation, Semi-Slav d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 Bg5 dxc4 e4 b5 e5 h6 Bh4 g5 Nxg5 hxg5 Bxg5 Nbd7
D44Anti-Moscow Gambitd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 Bg5 h6 Bh4
D45D45d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3
D45Acclerated Meran, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 a6
D45Normal Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7
D46D46d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3
D46Romi Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 Bb4
D46Chigorin Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 Bd6
D46Bogoljubow Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 Be7
D47Meran Variation, QGD; D47d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4
D48Reynolds Variation, QGD; D48d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 a6
D48Pirc Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 a6 e4 b4
D48Old Variation, Semi-Slav d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 a6 e4 c5 e5
D49Blumenfeld Variation, QGD; D49 d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 a6 e4 c5 e5 cxd4 Nxb5
D49Sozin Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 a6 e4 c5 e5 cxd4 Nxb5 Nxe5
D48Old Meran Variation, QGD d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 a6 O-O
D47Lundin; Neo-Merand4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 b4
D47Wade Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 Bb7
D47Larsen Variation, Semi-Slav d4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Bd3 dxc4 Bxc4 b5 Bd3 Bb7 e4 b4 Na4 c5
D45Rubinstein; anti-Merand4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Ne5
D45Stoltz Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Qc2
D45Center Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Qc2 Bd6 e4
D45Shabalov Attack, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Nbd7 Qc2 Bd6 g4
D44Stonewall Defense, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 c6 e3 Ne4 Bd3 f5
D44Vienna Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 dxc4
D30Pseudo-Tarrasch, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 c5
D30Bishop Attack, Tarraschd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Bg5
D30Anti-Noteboom Gambit, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 c6 Nc3 dxc4 g3
D30Traditional Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5
D30Vienna Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4+
D30Duras Variation, QGD; Capablanca Variationd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 h6
D30Hastings Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Nc3 c6 Qb3
D30Capablanca Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 e3 c6 Nbd2
D30Pseudo-Meran; Semi-Slav, QGDd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 c6
D30Quiet Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 c6 Nbd2
D30Semmering Variation, Semi-Slavd4 d5 c4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 e3 c6 Nbd2 Nbd7 Bd3 c5
D06Alekhine Defense, QGDd4 d5 c4 g6
D07Chigorin Defense, QGD; D07d4 d5 c4 Nc6
D07Exchange Variation, Chigorin Defensed4 d5 c4 Nc6 cxd5 Qxd5
D07Costa’s Lined4 d5 c4 Nc6 cxd5 Qxd5 e3 e5 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 Bxc3 Bxc3 exd4 Ne2
D07Janowski Variation, QGDd4 d5 c4 Nc6 Nc3 dxc4 Nf3
D06Modern Gambit, Chigorin Defensed4 d5 c4 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Nf3 dxc4
D06Alekhine Variation, Chigorin Defensed4 d5 c4 Nc6 Nf3 Bg4 Qa4
D06Lazard Gambit, Chigorin Defensed4 d5 c4 Nc6 Nf3 e5
D00Stonewall Attack, Queen Pawn Gamed4 d5 e3 Nf6 Bd3
D00Stonewall Attackd4 d5 e3 Nf6 Bd3 c5 c3
D00Pohlmann Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 f3 f5
D00Mieses; Nimzovich Var, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 f3 Nc6
D00Grosshans Defense, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Bd7
D00Zeller Defesne, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Bf5
D00Zeller Defesne, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Bf5 f3 exf3 Qxf3 Bc8
D00Dries Counter-Attack, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 c5
D00Lemberger Counter-Gambit, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 e5
D00Rasmussen Attack, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 e5 Nge2
D00Lange Gambit; Alfred Lange Gambit; Simple Variationd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 e5 Nxe4
D00Netherlands Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 f5
D00Mieses; Nimzovich Var, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nc6
D00Brombacher; Daberitz Var, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 c5
D00O’Kelly Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 c6
D00Langeheinecke Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 e3
D00Weinsbach Declination, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 e6
D00Teichmann Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 Bg4
D00Kaulich Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 c5
D00Euwe Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 e6
D00Gunderam Defense, BDG; Rook Pawn Defensed4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 h5
D00Schuttler Defense, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 Nbd7
D00Pietrowsky Variation, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 exf3 Nxf3 Nc6
D00Albrecht; Karlshruhle Defense, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 g6
D00Lamb Defense, BDGd4 d5 e4 dxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3 Nc6
D00Chigorin; Ponziani; Veresovd4 d5 Nc3
D00Alburt Defense, QPd4 d5 Nc3 Bf5
D00Anti-Veresovd4 d5 Nc3 Bg4
D00Irish Gambit, QPd4 d5 Nc3 c5
D00Shaviliuk Gambit, QPd4 d5 Nc3 e5
D00Dutch System, QPd4 d5 Nc3 f5
D00Fianchetto Defense, QPd4 d5 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7
D00Shropshire Defensed4 d5 Nc3 h5
D01Richter-Veresov Opening; D01d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5
D01Veresov Variation, QPd4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bf5 Bxf6
D01Richter Variation, Veresovd4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bf5 f3
D01Classical Defense, Veresovd4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 e6 Nf3
D01Two Knights System, Veresovd4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 Nf3
D01Grunfeld Defense, Veresovd4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Nbd7 Nf3 g6
D01Boyce Defense, Veresovd4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4
D02Zukertort Variation, QP; D02d4 d5 Nf3
D02Anti-Torre, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Bg4
D02Anti-Torred4 d5 Nf3 Bg4 Ne5 Bf5 g4
D02Queen’s Gambit Reversed; Krause Variationd4 d5 Nf3 c5
D02Chandler Gambit, QPd4 d5 Nf3 c5 g3 cxd4 Bg2
D02Chigorin Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nc6
D02Symmetrical Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6
D02London System; Queen’s Bishop Openingd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 Bf4
D02Poisoned Pawn Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 Bf4 c5 e3 Qb6 Nc3
D03Torre Attack, QP; D03d4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5
D03Breyer Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 e6 e3 c5 c3 Qb6
D03Grunfeld Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 g6
D03Gossip Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4
D25Queen’s Gambit Accepted Deferredd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 c4 dxc4
D04Colle System; D04d4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 e3
D04Bishop Defense, QP; Anti-Colled4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bf5
D05Classical Defense, Colle System; D05d4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6
D05Zukertort Variation, QPd4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bd3
D05Rubinstein Attack, Colled4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 e3 e6 Bd3 c5 b3
D02Pseudo-Cataland4 d5 Nf3 Nf6 g3
A41Pillsbury Defense; A41; Rat Defensed4 d6
A42A42d4 d6 c4
A42English Ratd4 d6 c4 e5
A42Lisbon Gambitd4 d6 c4 e5 dxe5 Nc6
A40Englund Gambit Declinedd4 e5 d5
A40Diemer Counterattackd4 e5 d5 Bc5 e4 Qh4
A40Horwitz Defensed4 e6
A40Franco-Indian Defensed4 e6
A40Seneschaud Variation, Dutchd4 e6 Bf4 f5 g4
A40English Defensed4 e6 c4 b6
A40Perrin Variationd4 e6 c4 b6 e4 Bb7 Bd3 Nc6
A40Poli Gambitd4 e6 c4 b6 e4 Bb7 f3 f5 exf5 Nh6
A40Hartlaub Gambit Declinedd4 e6 c4 b6 Nc3 Bb7 e4 f5 d5
A40Keres Defense, Indian; Kangaroo Defensed4 e6 c4 Bb4+
A40Transpositional Variation, Keres Defensed4 e6 c4 Bb4+ Nc3
C00Franco-Sicilian Defensed4 e6 c4 c5
A84Bellon Gambitd4 e6 c4 f5 e4
A80Dutch Defense; A80d4 f5
A80Seneschaud Gambit, Dutchd4 f5 Bf4 e6 g4
A80Hopton Attack, Dutchd4 f5 Bg5
A84A84d4 f5 c4
A84Classical Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 e6
A84Rubinstein Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 e6 Nc3
A85d4 f5 c4 g6 Nc3
A85Normal Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6
A86Fianchetto Variation, Dutch; A86d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3
A90A90d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6
A90Classical Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2
A90Nimzo-Dutch Variationd4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Bb4+
A91A91d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7
A91Botvinnik-Bronstein Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nc3 O-O e3
A92A92d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3
A93Botvinnik Variation, Dutch; A93d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O d5 b3
A94A94d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O d5 b3 c6
A95A95d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O d5 Nc3
A96A96d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O d6
A99A99d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O d6 Nc3 Qe8 b3
A98A98d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O d6 Nc3 Qe8 Qc2
A92Alekhine Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 e6 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O Ne4
A86Leningrad Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 g6
A87A87d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3
A87Fluid Formation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O d6
A88Warsaw Variation, Dutch; A88d4 f5 c4 Nf6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O d6 Nc3 c6
A84Queen’s Knight Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 Nc3
A85Ozol Variation, Dutchd4 f5 c4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bg5
A82Staunton Gambit, Dutch; A82d4 f5 e4
A82Staunton Gambit Accepted, Dutchd4 f5 e4 fxe4
A83General Variation, Staunton Gambit, Dutch; A83d4 f5 e4 fxe4 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5
A83Chigorin Variation, Dutchd4 f5 e4 fxe4 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 c6
A83Lasker Variation, Dutchd4 f5 e4 fxe4 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 g6 f3
A80Blackmar’s Second Gambit, Dutchd4 f5 e4 fxe4 Nc3 Nf6 f3
A81Dutch Indian; Leningrad Variation, Dutch; A81d4 f5 g3
A81Carlsbad Variation, Dutchd4 f5 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 Nh3
A81Antoshin-Hort Variation, Dutchd4 f5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 d6
A81Ilyin-Genevsky Variation, Dutchd4 f5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 e6 Nf3 Be7 O-O O-O c4 d6
A81Blackburne Variation, Dutchd4 f5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 e6 Nh3
A81Semi-Leningrad Variation, Dutchd4 f5 g3 Nf6 Bg2 g6
A80Lisbon Gambit, Dutch; Krejcik Gambitd4 f5 g4
A80Hevendehl Gambit, Dutchd4 f5 g4 e5
A80Korchnoi’s Variation, Dutchd4 f5 h3
A80Janzen-Korchnoi Gambit, Dutchd4 f5 h3 Nf6 g4
A80Raphael Variation, Dutchd4 f5 Nc3
A80Kingfisher Gambit, Dutchd4 f5 Nc3 d5 e4
A80Spielmann Gambit, Dutchd4 f5 Nc3 Nf6 g4
A80Barcza Variation, Dutchd4 f5 Nf3 Nf6 c3
A80Alapin; Ulvestad; Manhattan; Kmoch Variation, Dutchd4 f5 Qd3
A80Anti-Stonewall, Dutchd4 f5 Qd3 d5 g4
A80Anti-Modern, Dutchd4 f5 Qd3 d6 g4
A80Anti-Classical Line, Dutchd4 f5 Qd3 e6 g4
A80Anti-Leningrad Variation, Dutchd4 f5 Qd3 g6 g4
A40Queen Pawn Fianchettod4 g6
A40Kotov-Robatsch Defensed4 g6 c4 Bg7
A40Pseudo-Saemischd4 g6 c4 Bg7 e4 d6 Be3 Nf6 f3
A40Rossolimo Variationd4 g6 c4 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 Bg4
A40Neo-Modern Defensed4 g6 c4 Bg7 e4 e5
A40Modern Defensed4 g6 c4 Bg7 Nc3 d6
A41Averbakh Variation, Modernd4 g6 c4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 e4
A41Pterodactyl Variation, Modernd4 g6 c4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 e4 c5 Nf3 Qa5
A40Kotov Variation, Modernd4 g6 c4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 e4 Nc6
A40Lizard Defense; Pirc-Diemer Gambitd4 g6 h4 Nf6 h5
A40Bogoljubov; Mikenas-Van Geet Defensed4 Nc6
A40Lundin Defensed4 Nc6
A40Pozarek Gambitd4 Nc6 c4 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 Nc3 Nxc4
A40Montevideo Defensed4 Nc6 d5 Nb8
A45Indian Defense; A45d4 Nf6
A45Basque Openingd4 Nf6 b3
A45Trompowsky; Opocensky; Ruth Openingd4 Nf6 Bg5
A45Poisoned Pawn Variation, Trompowskyd4 Nf6 Bg5 c5 d5 Qb6 Nc3
A45Chepukaitis Gambitd4 Nf6 Bg5 c5 d5 Qb6 Nc3 Qxb2 Bd2 Qb6
A45Borg Variation, Trompowskyd4 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4 Bf4 g5
A45Edge Variation, Trompowskyd4 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4 Bh4
A45Hergert Gambit #2, Trompowskyd4 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4 Bh4 c6 Nd2 Qa5 c3 Nxd2 Qxd2 d5 e4
A45Hergert Gambit #1, Trompowskyd4 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4 Bh4 d5 f3 Nf6 Nc3 Bf5 e4
A45Raptor Variation, Trompowskyd4 Nf6 Bg5 Ne4 h4
A50Normal Variation, Indian Game; A50d4 Nf6 c4
A50Queen’s Indian Defense; Saemisch-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 b6
A56Hromadka Defense; Loose Gambit: A56d4 Nf6 c4 c5
A57Benko Gambit; Volga; Opocensky; Vaitonis; A57d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5
A57Sosonko Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 a4
A57Bishop Attack, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 Bg5
A57Benko Gambit Acceptedd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5
A57Pawn Return Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 b6
A58Fully Accepted Variation, Benko Gambit; A58d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 bxa6
A59A59d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 bxa6 Bxa6 Nc3 d6 e4
A59King Walk Variation, Benko Gambit d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 bxa6 Bxa6 Nc3 d6 e4 Bxf1 Kxf1 g6 g3 Bg7 Kg2 O-O
A57Central Storming Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 bxa6 Bxa6 Nc3 d6 f4
A58Fianchetto Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 bxa6 Bxa6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 d6 g3 Bg7 Bg2
A57Modern Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 e3
A57Dlugy Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 f3
A57Zaitsev System, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 Nc3
A57Nescafe Frappe Attack, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 Nc3 axb5 e4 b4 Nb5
A57Zaitsev Variation, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 Nc3 axb5 e4 b4 Nb5 d6 Nf3 g6 Bc4
A57Benko Gambit Declined; Hjoerring Countergambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 e4
A57Pseudo-Saemisch, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 f3
A57Quiet Line, Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 Nd2
A57Main Line, Benko Gambit Declinedd4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 b5 Nf3
A61A61d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3
A66Pawn Storm Variation, Benoni; A66d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 f4
A67Taimanov Variation, Benoni; A67d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 f4 Bg7 Bb5
A66Mikenas V, Benonid4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 f4 Bg7 e5
A68A68d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3
A68Four Pawns Attack, Benonid4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3 O-O
A69A69 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Be2 Re8
A70Classical Variation, Benoni; A70d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3
A72A72d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2
A73A73d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O
A74A74 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O a6
A75Argentine Attack, Benoni; A75 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O a6 a4 Bg4
A76Czerniak Defesne, Benoni; A76 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O Re8
A77A77 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O Re8 Nd2
A78A78 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O Re8 Nd2 Na6
A79A79 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O Re8 Nd2 Na6 f3
A71A71d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 e4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Bg5
A61Uhlmann Variation, Benonid4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 Bg5
A62A62d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 g3
A62Fianchetto Variation, Benonid4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2
A63A63 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 O-O O-O a6
A64A64 d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 O-O O-O a6 a4 Nbd7 Nd2
A62Hastings Defense, Benoni d4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 O-O O-O Nbd7
A61Nimzovich Variation, Knight’s Tour Variation, Benonid4 Nf6 c4 c5 d5 e6 Nc3 exd5 cxd5 d6 Nf3 g6 Nd2
A56Weenink Variation, Benonid4 Nf6 c4 c5 dxc5 e6
A53Old Indian Defense; Chigorin Indian Defense; A53d4 Nf6 c4 d6
A53Janowski Variation, Old Indiand4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 Bf5
A53Grinberg Gambit, Old Indiand4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 Bf5 e4
A53Ukranian Variationd4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 e5
A54Two Knights Variation, Old Indian; A54d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 e5 Nf3
A55Normal Variation, Old Indian; A55d4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 e5 Nf3 Nbd7 e4
A53Duz-Khotimirsky Variationd4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nc3 Nbd7 e3 e5 Bd3
A53Tartakower-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 d6 Nf3 Bg4
A51Budapest Defense; A51d4 Nf6 c4 e5
A52Normal Variation, Budapest; A52d4 Nf6 c4 e5 dxe5 Ng4
A52Rubinstein Variation, Budapestd4 Nf6 c4 e5 dxe5 Ng4 Bf4
A52Kornl Richter Gambit, Budapestd4 Nf6 c4 e5 dxe5 Ng4 Bf4 Nc6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nc3 Bxc3+
A52Center Play Variation, Budapest; Alekhine Variationd4 Nf6 c4 e5 dxe5 Ng4 e4
A52Abonyi Variation, Budapestd4 Nf6 c4 e5 dxe5 Ng4 e4 Nxe5 f4 Nec6
A52Adler Variation, Budapestd4 Nf6 c4 e5 dxe5 Ng4 Nf3
E00East Indian Defense; E00d4 Nf6 c4 e6
E00Seirawan Attackd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Bg5
E00Catalan Openingd4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3
E01E01d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5
E06Closed Variation, Cataland4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2
E06E06d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 Be7
E07E07d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O Nbd7
E07Botvinnik Variation, Cataland4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O Nbd7 Nc3 c6 Qd3
E08E08d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O Nbd7 Qc2
E09E09d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O Nbd7 Qc2 c6 Nbd2
E08Zagoriansky Variation, Cataland4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 Be7 Nf3 O-O O-O Nbd7 Qc2 c6 Rd1 b6 a4
E06Tarrasch Defense, Cataland4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 c5 Nf3 Nc6
E02E02d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 dxc4
E04Open Defense, Catalan; E04d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 dxc4 Nf3
E05Classical Line, Catalan; E05d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 dxc4 Nf3 Be7
E05Modern Sharp Variation, Cataland4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 dxc4 Nf3 Nc6 Qa4 Bb4+
E03E03d4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 dxc4 Qa4+ Nbd7 Qxc4
E03Alekhine Variation, Cataland4 Nf6 c4 e6 g3 d5 Bg2 dxc4 Qa4+ Nbd7 Qxc4 a6 Qc2
E20E20d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3
E20Nimzo-Indian Defensed4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4
E24Saemisch Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E24d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3
E24Accelerated Saemisch Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3
E26Saemisch Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E26d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 e3
E26O’Kelly Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 e3 b6
E26Capablanca Variation, Nimzo-Indian d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 e3 Nc6 Bd3 O-O Ne2 b6 e4 Ne8
E25E25d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 f3 d5 cxd5
E25Keres Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 f3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 dxc5
E25Romanovsky Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 f3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 dxc5 f5
E24Botvinnik Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 f3 d5 e3 O-O cxd5 Nxd5
E27E27d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 O-O
E28E28d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 O-O e3
E29E29d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 O-O e3 c5 Bd3 Nc6
E29Capablanca Variation, Nimzo-Indian d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 O-O e3 c5 Bd3 Nc6 Ne2 b6 e4 Ne8
E30Leningrad Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E30d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Bg5
E30Averbakh Gambit, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Bg5 h6 Bh4 c5 d5 b5
E31Benoni Defense, Nimzo-Indian; E31d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Bg5 h6 Bh4 c5 d5 d6
E40Rubinstein Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E40d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3
E43St. Petersburg Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E43d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 b6
E44Fischer Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E44d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 b6 Ne2
E45Bronstein Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E45; Byrne Variationd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 b6 Ne2 Ba6
E41Huebner Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E41d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 c5
E41Huebner Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 c5 Bd3 Nc6 Nf3 Bxc3
E42Rubinstein Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E42d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 c5 Ne2
E42Sherbakov Attack, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 c5 Ne2 cxd4 exd4 O-O c5
E41Panov Attack, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 c5 Nf3 cxd4 exd4 d5
E40Keres Variation, Nimzo-Indian d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 d5 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 c5 cxd5 exd5 Bd3 O-O Ne2 b6
E40Taimanov Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 Nc6
E40Ragozin Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 Nc6 Nf3 O-O Bd3 d5 O-O dxc4
E46Normal Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E46d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O
E47Bishop Attack, Nimzo-Indian; E47d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3
E48Classical Defense, Nimzo-Indian; E48d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3 d5
E49Botvinnik System, Nimzo-Indian; E49d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3 d5 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3
E48Olafsson Variation, Nimzo-Indian d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3 d5 Nf3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4 b6 Qe2 Bb7 Rd1 Qc8
E48Bronstein Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3 d5 Nf3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4 Bd7
E48Bronstein Variation, Nimzo-Indian d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3 d5 Nf3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4 Nbd7 Ne2
E48Smyslov Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Bd3 d5 Nf3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4 Qe7
E46Reshevsky Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Ne2
E46Simagin Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Ne2 d5 a3 Bd6
E50E50d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3
E50Huebner Deferred, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 c5
E51Ragozin Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E51d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5
E51Saemisch Deferred, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 a3
E52Schlechter Defense, Nimzo-Indian; E52d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 b6
E53Bernstein Defense; Gligoric System; E53d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5
E53Keres Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O b6
E54E54d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4
E55Bronstein Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E55d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4 Nbd7
E55Smyslov Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O dxc4 Bxc4 Qe7
E56Bernstein Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E56d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O Nc6
E58E58 d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O Nc6 a3 Bxc3 bxc3
E59E59 d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O Nc6 a3 Bxc3 bxc3 dxc4 Bxc4
E57E57 d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nf3 d5 Bd3 c5 O-O Nc6 a3 dxc4 Bxc4 cxd4
E46Reshevsky Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nge2
E46Simagin Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 e3 O-O Nge2 d5 a3 Bd6
E20Kmoch Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 f3
E20Steiner Variation, Nimzo-Indian; Romanishin Variationd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 g3
E21Three Knights Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E21d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Nf3
E21Shocron Gambit, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Nf3 c5 d5 b5
E21Euwe Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Nf3 c5 d5 Ne4
E20Romanishin Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Nf3 c5 g3 O-O Bg2
E20English Hybrid, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Nf3 c5 g3 O-O Bg2 cxd4 Nxd4 d5 cxd5 Nxd5
E20Ragozin Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Nf3 d5
E22Spielmann Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E22d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qb3
E23Romanovsky Gambit, Nimzo-Indian; E23d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qb3 c5 dxc5 Nc6
E23San Remo Variation, Nimzo-Indian; Stahlberg Variationd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qb3 c5 dxc5 Nc6 Nf3 Ne4 Bd2 Nxc5
E23Stahlberg Variation, Nimzo-Indian d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qb3 c5 dxc5 Nc6 Nf3 Ne4 Bd2 Nxc5 Qc2 f5 g3
E23Carlsbad Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qb3 c5 dxc5 Nc6 Nf3 Ne4 Bd2 Nxd2
E32Classical Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E32d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2
E38Berlin Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E38d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 c5
E39Pirc Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E39d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 c5 dxc5 O-O
E34Noa Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E34d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 d5
E36E36d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 d5 a3
E36Botvinnik Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 d5 a3 Bxc3+ Qxc3 Nc6
E37E37d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 d5 a3 Bxc3+ Qxc3 Ne4
E35E35d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 d5 cxd5 exd5
E33Milner-Barry, Zurich Variation, Nimzo-Indian; E33d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 Nc6
E33Milner-Barry Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 Nc6 Nf3 d6
E33Old Zurich Variation, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 Nc6 Nf3 d6 a3
E33Vitolinsh-Adorjan Gambit, Nimzo Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 O-O a3 Bxc3+ Qxc3 b5
E33Keres Defense, Nimzo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 Qc2 O-O a3 Bxc3+ Qxc3 b6
E10Anti-Nimzo-Indian; E10d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3
E10Dzindzi-Indian Defensed4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 a6
E12Queen’s Indian Defense; E12d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6
E12Petrosian Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 a3
E12Farago Defense, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 a3 Ba6 Qc2 Bb7
E12Miles Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 Bf4
E14Spassky System, QID; E14d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 e3
E14Averbakh Variation, QID d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 e3 Bb7 Bd3 c5 O-O Be7 b3 O-O Bb2 cxd4 Nxd4
E15Fianchetto System, QID; E15d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3
E15Nimzovich Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Ba6
E15Quiet Line, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Ba6 b3
E15Nimzovich Attack, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Ba6 Qa4+
E15Timman’s Line, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Ba6 Qb3
E16Fianchetto Traditional, QID; E16d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7
E16Capablanca Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Bb4+
E16Yates Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Bb4+ Bd2 a5
E16Riumin Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Bb4+ Bd2 Be7
E17Traditional Variation, QID; E17d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7
E17Anti-Queen’s Indian Systemd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 Nc3
E17Opocensky Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 Nc3 Ne4 Bd2
E17Classical Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O
E17Euwe Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O b3
E17Taimanov Gambit, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O d5 exd5 Nd4
E17Polugaevsky Gambit, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O d5 exd5 Nh4
E18E18d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Nc3
E18Tiviakov Defense, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Nc3 Na6
E19E19d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Nc3 Ne4 Qc2
E17Kramnik Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Be7 O-O O-O Re1
E15Saemisch Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 c5
E16Buerger Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 c5 d5 exd5 Ng5
E16Rubinstein Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 c5 d5 exd5 Nh4
E16Fine Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 Qc8 O-O c5 d5
E12Kasparov Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 Nc3
E12Kasparov-Petrosian Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 Nc3 Bb7 a3
E12Hedgehog Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 Nc3 Bb7 a3 g6
E13E13d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 Nc3 Bb7 Bg5 h6 Bh4 Bb4
E12Botvinnik Variation, QIDd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 b6 Nc3 Bb7 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Nh5
E11Bogoljubow Defense; Bogo-Indian Defense; E11d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 Bb4+
E11Nimzovich Variation, Bogo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 Bb4+ Bd2 Qe7
E11Grunfeld Variation, Bogo-Indiand4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 Bb4+ Nbd2
E10Blumenfeld Variationd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 c5
E10Blumenfeld Countergambitd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 c5 d5 b5
E10Dus-Chotimursky Variationd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 c5 d5 b5 Bg5
E10Spielmann Variation, Blumenfeldd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 c5 d5 b5 Bg5 exd5 cxd5 h6
E10Blumenfeld Countergambit Acceptedd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 c5 d5 b5 dxe6 fxe6 cxb5 d5
E10Rubinstein Variation, Blumenfeldd4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 c5 d5 b5 e4
E10Dory (Doery) Defensed4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nf3 Ne4
D70King’s Indian Defense; West Indian Defense; D70d4 Nf6 c4 g6
E60King’s Indian Defense; West Indian Defense; E60d4 Nf6 c4 g6
D70Anti-Grunfeld Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 d5
D70Danube Gambit; Adorjan Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 g6 d5 b5
D70Danube; Donau Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 g6 d5 b5 cxb5 a6 bxa6 c6
D70Nimzovich Attack; Anti-Grunfeld; Alekhine Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 f3
D70Goglidze Attackd4 Nf6 c4 g6 f3 d5
D70Leko Gambitd4 Nf6 c4 g6 f3 e5
E60Fianchetto Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3
E60Counterthrust Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d5
E60Kemeri Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 Nf3 O-O O-O c5
E60Yugoslav Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d6 Nf3 O-O Nc3 c5
E60Bronstein Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d6 Nf3 O-O Nc3 c6 O-O Qa5
E60Panno Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d6 Nf3 O-O Nc3 Nc6 O-O a6 h3 Rb8
E60Spassky Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d6 Nf3 O-O Nc3 Nc6 O-O Bf5
E60Szabo Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d6 Nf3 O-O Nc3 Nc6 O-O e5
E60Panno Systemd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 d6 Nf3 O-O O-O Nc6 d5 Na5
D70Kemeri; Neo-Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5
D71Counterthrust Variationd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7
D71Exchange Variation, Neo-Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 cxd5 Nxd5
D72D72d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nb6
D73D73d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3
D74Delayed Exchange Variation, Neo-Grunfeld; D74d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O cxd5 Nxd5 O-O
D75D75d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O cxd5 Nxd5 O-O c5
D76D76d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O cxd5 Nxd5 O-O Nb6
D77Classical Variation, Neo-Grunfeld; D77d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O
D78Original Defesne, Neo-Grunfeld; D78d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O c6
D79D79d4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O c6 cxd5
D79Ultra-delayed Exchange Variation, Neo-Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O c6 cxd5 cxd5
D78Modern Defense, Neo-Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O dxc4
D78Polgar Variation, Neo-Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 g3 d5 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3 O-O O-O Nc6
E61E61d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3
E61Smyslov Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Bg5
E70Normal Variation, KID; E70d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4
E77Six Pawns Attack, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6
E73E73d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2
E73Semi-Averbakh System, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Be3
E73Averbakh Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Bg5
E73Spanish Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Bg5 a6
E74Benoni Defense, KID; E74d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Bg5 c5
E73Flexible Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Bg5 h6
E73Burgess Line, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Bg5 Na6 Qd2 c6
E73Geller Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Be2 O-O Bg5 Nbd7
E70Accelerated Averbakh Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Bg5
E80Saemisch Variation, KID; E80d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3
E81Normal Defesne, Sameisch Variation, KID; E81d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O
E82Double Fianchetto, KID; E82d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 b6
E81Byrne Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 c6 Bd3 a6
E85Orthodox Variation, KID; E85d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 e5
E87Closed Variation, KID; E87d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 e5 d5
E88E88d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 e5 d5 c6
E89E89d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 e5 d5 c6 Nge2
E86E86d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 e5 Nge2 c6
E83Yates Defense, KID; E83d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 Nc6
E83Panno Formation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 Nc6 Nge2 a6
E84E84d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 Nc6 Nge2 a6 Qd2 Rb8
E83Ruban Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Be3 Nc6 Nge2 Rb8
E81Steiner Attack, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Bg5
E81Bobotsov-Korchnoi-Petrosian Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f3 O-O Nge2
E76Four Pawns Attack, KID; E76d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f4
E76Modern Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f4 Na6
E77E77d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f4 O-O Be2
E78Fluid Attack, KID; E78d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f4 O-O Be2 c5 Nf3
E79Exchange Variation, Four Pawns Attack, KID; E79 d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f4 O-O Be2 c5 Nf3 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Be3
E76Dynamic Attack, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 f4 O-O Nf3 c5 d5
E72Deferred Fianchetto, KID; E72d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 g3
E72Pomar System, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 e5 Nge2
E71Makogonov Variation, KID; E71d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 h3
E90E90d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3
E91Orthodox Variation, KID; E91d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2
E92E92d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5
E92Gligoric-Taimanov Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 Be3
E92Petrosian Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 d5
E92Stein Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 d5 a5
E93E93d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 d5 Nbd7
E93Keres Variation, KID d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 d5 Nbd7 Bg5 h6 Bh4 g5 Bg3 Nh5 h4
E94E94d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O
E94Ukranian Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O a5
E94Glek Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Na6
E95E95d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nbd7 Re1
E96E96 d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nbd7 Re1 c6 Bf1 a5
E97Aronin-Taimanov Variation, KID; E97d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6
E97Normal Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7
E97Bayonet Attack, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4
E97Yepishin’s Line, KID d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 Nh5 Qc2
E97Sokolov’s Line, KID d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 b4 Nh5 Re1
E97Korchnoi Attack, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 Bd2
E98E98d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 Ne1
E98Kozul Gambit, KID d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 Ne1 Nd7 Be3 f5
E99Benko Attack, KID; E99 d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 Ne1 Nd7 f3
E99Benko Variation, KID d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be2 e5 O-O Nc6 d5 Ne7 Ne1 Nd7 f3 f5 g4
E90Larsen Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Be3
E90Zinnowitz Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 Nf3 O-O Bg5
E61Smyslov Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 Bg5
E62Delayed Fianchetto, KID; E62d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3
E64Yugoslav Variation, KID; E64d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 c5
E65E65d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 c5 O-O
E66E66d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 c5 O-O Nc6 d5
E62Larsen Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 c6 O-O Bf5
E62Benjamin Defense, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 c6 O-O Qb6
E67Debrecen Defense, KID; E67d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nbd7
E68E68d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nbd7 O-O e5 e4
E69E69d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nbd7 O-O e5 e4 c6 h3
E62Carlsbad Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nc6
E63Panno Variation, KID; E63d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nc6 O-O a6
E62Lesser Simagin (Spassky) Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nc6 O-O Bf5
E62Uhlmann-Szabo System, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Nf3 d6 g3 O-O Bg2 Nc6 O-O e5
D80Grunfeld Defense; D80d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5
D82Brinckmann Attack, Grunfeld; D82d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4
D83Grunfeld Gambit; D83d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4 Bg7 e3 O-O
D84D84d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4 Bg7 e3 O-O cxd5 Nxd5
D83Capablanca Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4 Bg7 e3 O-O Rc1
D83Botvinnik Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4 Bg7 e3 O-O Rc1 c5 dxc5 Be6
D83Reshevsky Gambit, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4 Bg7 e3 O-O Rc1 c5 dxc5 Qa5
D80Stockholm Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Bg5
D85Exchange Variation, Grunfeld; D85d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5
D85Exchange Variation, Grunfeld;d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3
D86Classical Main Line, Grunfeld; D86d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4
D87Spassky Variation, Grunfeld; D87d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 O-O Ne2 c5
D87Seville Variation, Grunfeld d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 O-O Ne2 c5 O-O Nc6 Be3
D88D88 d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 O-O Ne2 c5 O-O Nc6 Be3 cxd4
D86Simagin Improved Variation, Grunfeld d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 O-O Ne2 Nc6
D86Larsen Variation, Grunfeld d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 O-O Ne2 Qd7
D86Larsen Variation, Grunfeld d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 O-O Ne2 Qd7 O-O b6
D85Modern Main Line, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Nf3
D85Kramnik’s Line, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Nf3 c5 h3
D85Kemeri Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 g3
D85Nadanian Attackd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 Na4
D80Makogonov Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O b4
D80Opocensky Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Bd2
D80Paris Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Bd3
D80Schlechter Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Bd3 c6
D80Smyslov Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Bd3 c6 O-O Bg4
D80Vienna Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Qb3
D80Pachman Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Qb3 dxc4 Bxc4 Nbd7 Ng5
D80Botvinnik Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Qb3 e6
D80Schlechter Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 e3 c6
D70Lutikov Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 f3
D80Kemeri Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 g3
D80Zaitsev Gambit, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 h4
D90Three Knights Variation, Grunfeld; D90d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3
D92Hungarian Attack, Grunfeld; D92d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Bf4
D93D93d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Bf4 O-O e3
D91Petrosian System, Grunfeld; D91d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Bg5
D94Burille Variation, Grunfeld; D94d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 e3
D94Makogonov Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 e3 O-O b4
D94Opocensky Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 e3 O-O Bd2
D95D95d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 e3 O-O Qb3
D90Flohr Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qa4+
D96Russian Variation, Grunfeld; D96d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3
D97D97d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4
D97Hungarian Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4 a6
D98Smyslov Variation, Grunfeld; D98d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4 Bg4
D99D99 d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4 Bg4 Be3 Nfd7 Qb3
D97Szabo (Boleslavsky) Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4 c6
D97Prins Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4 Na6
D97Simagin (Byrne) Variation, Grunfeldd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg7 Qb3 dxc4 Qxc4 O-O e4 Nc6
D81Accelerated Russian Variation, Grunfeld; D81d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 Qb3
E60King’s Knight Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nf3
E60Santassiere Variation, KIDd4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nf3 Bg7 b4
D70Neo-Grunfeld Defensed4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nf3 d5
A50Van Geet; Kevitz; Trajkovic; Mexicand4 Nf6 c4 Nc6
D70Iago Defensed4 Nf6 c4 Nc6
D71D71d4 Nf6 c4 Nc6 g3 d5
A45Kraus-Muhlherr Counter Gambitd4 Nf6 f3 d5 e4 e5 dxe5 Nxe4
A45Oshima Defensed4 Nf6 g4 e5
A45Reversed Chigorin Defensed4 Nf6 Nc3 c5
A45Von Beivorseend4 Nf6 Nc3 c5 dxc5
A46Knights Variation, Indian Game; A46d4 Nf6 Nf3
A46Polish Defensed4 Nf6 Nf3 b5
A47Capablanca Variation, Indian Game; A47d4 Nf6 Nf3 b6
A47Torre Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 b6 Bg5
A47Marienbad Variationd4 Nf6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 c5
A47Berg Variationd4 Nf6 Nf3 b6 g3 Bb7 Bg2 c5 c4 cxd4 Qxd4
A46Spielmann-Indiand4 Nf6 Nf3 c5
A46Pseudo-Benko Gambitd4 Nf6 Nf3 c5 d5 b5
A46Czech-Indiand4 Nf6 Nf3 c6
A46London Systemd4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 Bf4
A46Torre Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 Bg5
A46Petrosian Gambitd4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 Bg5 c5 e3 b6 d5
A46Swiss; Wagner Gambitd4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 Bg5 c5 e4
A46Nimzovich Variation, Torre Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 Bg5 h6
A46Yusupov-Rubinstein Systemd4 Nf6 Nf3 e6 e3
A48Pseudo-King’s Indian Variation; A48d4 Nf6 Nf3 g6
A48London System, Torre Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 Bf4
A48London Variationd4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 Bf4 Bg7 Nbd2
A48Fianchetto Defense, Torre Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 Bg5
A48Euwe Variation, Torre Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 Bg5 Bg7 Nbd2 c5
A48King’s Indian Variationd4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 e3 Bg7 Bd3 d6
A49Przepiorka Variation; A49d4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 g3
D02Barry Attackd4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 Nc3 d5 Bf4 Bg7 e3 O-O Be2
A46Dory Defensed4 Nf6 Nf3 Ne4
B00Corn Stalkse4 a5
B00St George; Birmingham; Bakere4 a6
B00San Jorge Variatione4 a6 d4 e6
B00Three Pawn Attack, St Georgee4 a6 d4 e6 c4
B00Owen’s Defense; Greek Defensee4 b6
B20Sicilian Defense; B20e4 c5
B20Mengarini Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 a3
B20Mengarini Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 a3 Nc6 b4
B20Snyder Variation, Siciliane4 c5 b3
B20Queen Fianchetto Variation, Siciliane4 c5 b3 b6
B20Wing; Carlsbad Variation, Siciliane4 c5 b4 cxb4 a3 bxa3
B20Bowlder Attack, Siciliane4 c5 Bc4
B20Slow Siciliane4 c5 Be2
B22Alapin; Sveshnikov Var, Sicilian; B22e4 c5 c3
B22Barmen Defense, Siciliane4 c5 c3 d5 exd5 Qxd5
B22Stoltz Attack, Siciliane4 c5 c3 Nf6 e5 Nd5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3
B20Staunton-Cochrane Variation, Siciliane4 c5 c4
B20Gloria Variation, Siciliane4 c5 c4 d6 Nc3 Nc6 g3 h5
B20Chameleon Variation, Siciliane4 c5 d3
B20Big Clamp Variation, Siciliane4 c5 d3 Nc6 c3 d6 f4
B20Sicilian Center Gamee4 c5 d4 cxd4
B20Rivadavia Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3
B20Push Variation, Smith-Morra Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 d3
B20Dubois Variation, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 d3 c4
B20Scandanavian Formation, Smith-Morra, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 d5
B20Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3
B20Chicago Defense, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 d6 Bc4 e6 Nf3 Nf6 O-O a6
B20Taimanov Formation, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 e6 Bc4 a6 Nf3 Ne7
B20Kan Formation, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 e6 Nf3 a6
B20Classical Formation, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 d6 Bc4 a6 O-O Nf6
B20Scheveningen Formation, Smith-Morra Acceptede4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 d6 Bc4 e6
B20Paulsen Formation, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 e6 Bc4 a6
B20Morphy Defense Deferred, Smith-Morra Acceptede4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 e6 Bc4 a6 O-O b5 Bb3 Bc5
B20Larsen Defense, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 e6 Bc4 a6 O-O Qc7 Qe2 Bd6
B20Pin Defense, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 e6 Bc4 Bb4
B20Morphy Defense, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 e6 Bc4 Bc5
B20Sozin Formation, Smith-Morra Accepted, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Nc6 Nf3 e6 Bc4 d6 O-O a6 Qe2 b5
B20Center Formation, Smith-Morra Declined, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 e5
B20Alapin Formation, Smith-Morra Declined, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 Nf6
B20Wing Formation, Smith-Morra Declined, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 c3 Qa5
B20Morphy Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 Nf3
B20Andreaschek Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 d4 cxd4 Nf3 e5 c3
B21Larsen-Santasiere (McDonnell Attack) Variation, Sicilian; B21e4 c5 f4
B21Tal Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 f4 d5 exd5 Nf6
B20Steinitz; Tartakower, Lasker-Dunne Variation, Siciliane4 c5 g3
B20Myers Attack, Siciliane4 c5 h4
B23Closed; Chigorin Variation, Sicilian; B23e4 c5 Nc3
B23Grand Prix Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nc3 d6 f4
B23Korchnoi Defense, Siciliane4 c5 Nc3 e6 g3 d5
B23Traditional Closed Siciliane4 c5 Nc3 Nc6
B23Vinken System, Sicilian; Grand Prix Attacke4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 f4
B24Fianchetto Variation, Sicilian Closed; B24e4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3
B25B25e4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6
B26B26e4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6 Be3
B25Botvinnik Defense, Sicilian Closede4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6 f4 e5
B25Edge Variation, Sicilian Closede4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 g6 Bg2 Bg7 d3 d6 f4 e5 Nh3 Nge7
B23Chameleon Siciliane4 c5 Nc3 Nc6 Nge2
B20Keres; Billium Attack, Sicilian; Chameleone4 c5 Ne2
B27B27e4 c5 Nf3
B28O’Kelly Variation, Sicilian; B28e4 c5 Nf3 a6
B28Kieseritzky System, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 b3
B28Wing Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 b4
B28Aronin System, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 Be2
B28Venice System, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c3
B28Gambit Line, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c3 d5 exd5 Nf6
B28Barcza Line, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c3 Nf6
B28Maroczy Bind, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c4
B28Robatsch Line, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c4 d6
B28Paulsen Line, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c4 e6
B28Geller Line, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 c4 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e5
B28Quiet System, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d3
B28Normal System, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d4
B28Cortlever Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d4 cxd4 Bc4
B28Smith-Morra Line, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d4 cxd4 c3
B28Taimanov Line, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e5
B28Kan Line, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e6
B28Zagorovsky Line, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 d4 cxd4 Qxd4
B28Reti System, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 g3
B28Yerevan System, O’Kelly Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 a6 Nc3
B27Katalimov Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 b6
B50Modern Variation, Sicilian; B50e4 c5 Nf3 d6
B51Moscow Variation, Sicilian; Canal Attack; B51e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+
B52Main Line, Canal Attack, Sicilian; B52e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+ Bd7
B52Bronstein (Haag) Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+ Bd7 Bxd7+ Qxd7 O-O Nc6 c3 Nf6 d4
B51Moscow Gambit, Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+ Nc6 O-O Bd7 c3 a6 Bxc6 Bxc6 Re1 Nf6 d4 Bxe4 Bg5
B51Dorfman Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+ Nc6 O-O Bd7 Qe2 g6 e5
B50Kopec System, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bd3
B50Delayed Alapin, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 c3
B50Basman-Palatnik Gambite4 c5 Nf3 d6 c3 Nf6 Be2 Nc6 d4 cxd4 cxd4 Nxe4
B53B53e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4
B53Tartakower Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 c3
B54B54e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4
B55B55e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6
B55Ginsberg Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Bc4
B55Moscow (Prins) Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 f3
B55Venice Attack, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 f3 e5 Bb5+
B56B56e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3
B90Najdorf Variation, Sicilian; B90e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6
B90Lipnitzky Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bc4
B92Opocensky Variation, Sicilian; B92e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be2
B92Opocensky Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be2 e5
B90Byrne Variation, Sicilian; English Attacke4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3
B90Anti-English, Najdorf Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Be3 Ng4
B94B94e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5
B95B95e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6
B96B96e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4
B96Polugaevsky; Accelerated Najdorfe4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 b5
B96Simagin Line, Najdorf Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 b5 e5 dxe5 fxe5 Qc7 Qe2
B98B98e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Be7
B98Argenitne; Goteborg Var, Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Be7 Qf3 h6 Bh4 g5
B98Browne Variation, Najdorf Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Be7 Qf3 h6 Bh4 Qc7
B99B99 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Be7 Qf3 Qc7 O-O-O Nbd7
B97Poisoned Pawn Variation, Najdorf Sicilian; B97e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6
B97Poisoned Pawn Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2
B97Poisoned Pawn Accepted, Najdorf Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Bg5 e6 f4 Qb6 Qd2 Qxb2
B93Amsterdam Variation, Sicilian; B93e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 f4
B91Zagreb Variation, Sicilian; B91e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 g3
B90Adams Attack, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 h3
B90Freak Attack, Siiciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 a6 Rg1
B56Kupreichik Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Bd7
B56Venice Attack, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Bb5+
B80Vitolins Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bb5+
B86Fischer Attack, Sozin Attack, Sicilian; B86e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bc4
B87Flank Variation, Sicilian; B87e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bc4 a6 Bb3 b5
B88Leonhardt Variation, Sicilian; B88e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bc4 Nc6
B89B89e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bc4 Nc6 Be3
B89Sherbakov Variation, Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bc4 Nc6 Be3 Be7 Bb3 O-O O-O Na5 f4 b6
B89Velimirovic Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bc4 Nc6 Be3 Be7 Qe2
B83Scheveningen Variation, Sicilian; B83e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Be2
B84Modern Paulsen, Sicilian; B84e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Be2 a6
B85B85e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Be2 a6 O-O Be7
B85Paulsen Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Be2 a6 O-O Qc7 f4 Nc6
B80English Attack, Scheveningen Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Be3 a6 f3
B81Perenyi Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Be3 a6 g4 e5 Nf5 g6 g5
B82Matanovic Attack, Sicilian; B82e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 f4
B82Tal Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 f4 Nc6 Be3 Be7 Qf3
B80Fianchetto Variation, Scheveningen Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 g3
B81Keres; Panov Variation, Sicilian; B81e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e6 g4
B70Dragon Variation, Sicilian; B70e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6
B70Alekhine Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be2 Bg7 O-O O-O Nb3
B72B72e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3
B72Nottingham Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 Nb3
B73B73e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 O-O
B73Zollner Gambit, Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 O-O O-O f4 Qb6
B74B74 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 O-O O-O Nb3
B74Alekhine Line, Sicilian Dragon e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 O-O O-O Nb3 a5
B74Maroczy Line, Sicilian Dragon e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 O-O O-O Nb3 Be6 f4 Na5
B74Tartakower Line, Sicilian Dragon e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 O-O O-O Nb3 Be6 f4 Qc8
B72Amsterdam (Battery) Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 Qd2
B72Grigoriev Variation, Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 Be2 Nc6 Qd2 O-O O-O-O
B75B75e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3
B76Yugoslav Attack, Sicilian Dragon; B76e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3 O-O
B77B77 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3 O-O Qd2 Nc6 Bc4
B78B78 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3 O-O Qd2 Nc6 Bc4 Bd7 O-O-O
B79B79 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3 O-O Qd2 Nc6 Bc4 Bd7 O-O-O Qa5
B76Panov Variation, Sicilian Dragon e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3 O-O Qd2 Nc6 g4
B71Levenfish Variation, Sicilian; B71e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4
B70Fianchetto Variation, Sicilian Dragone4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 g3
B56Classical Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6
B57Sozin; Velimirovic Attack, Sicilian; B57e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bc4
B57Anti-Sozin Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bc4 Qb6
B58B58e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Be2
B58Boleslavsky Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Be2 e5
B59B59e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Be2 e5 Nb3
B58Louma Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Be2 e5 Nxc6
B60Richter-Rauzer Variation, Sicilian; B60e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5
B62B62e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6
B62Margate (Vitolins) Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Bb5
B62Podebrady Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Nb3
B62Exchange Variation, Richter-Rauzer Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Nxc6
B63Rauzer Variation, Sicilian; B63e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2
B66B66e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 a6
B67B67e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 a6 O-O-O Bd7
B68B68 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 a6 O-O-O Bd7 f4 Be7
B69B69 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 a6 O-O-O Bd7 f4 Be7 Nf3 b5 Bxf6
B64B64 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 Be7 O-O-O O-O f4
B65B65 e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 Be7 O-O-O O-O f4 Nxd4 Qxd4
B63Ivanov Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6 Qd2 Qb6
B58Fianchetto Variation, Richter-Rauzer Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 g3
B56Spielmann Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Nde2
B61B61e4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Qd2
B53Chekhover Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Qxd4
B53Zaitsev Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Bb5 Qd7
B53Cortlever Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nf6 dxc5 Nxe4 cxd6
B40French Variation, Sicilian; B40e4 c5 Nf3 e6
B40Wing Gambit Deferred, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 b4
B40Kramnik Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 c4
B41B41e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4
B41Accelerated Wimpy Variation, Sice4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4
B41Paulsen; Kan Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6
B42B42e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 Bd3
B42Polugaevsky Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 Bd3 Bc5
B42Swiss Cheese Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 Bd3 g6
B41Reti Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4
B41Bronstein Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Bd3 Nc6
B43B43e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 a6 Nc3
B44Taimanov; Bastrikov, Paulsen Variation, Sicilian; B44e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6
B44Szen Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nb5
B44Gary Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nb5 d6 c4 Nf6 N1c3 a6 Na3 d5
B45B45e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3
B46B46e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 a6
B46Taimanov Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 a6 Be2 Nge7
B45Paulsen Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Ndb5 Bb4
B45American Attack, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Ndb5 Bb4 Nd6+
B47Bastrikov Variation, Sicilian; B47e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 Qc7
B48B48e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 Qc7 Be3
B49B49e4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Nc3 Qc7 Be3 a6 Be2
B41Anderssen; Counterattack Var, Sice4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6
B41Jaffe Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Bd3 e5
B45Four Knights Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6
B45Cobra Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Ndb5 Bc5
B40Kveinis Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 e6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Qb6
B27Hyperaccelerated Dragon, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 g6
B27Action Extension, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 g6 c4 Bh6
B27Hyperaccelerated Pterodactyl, Sice4 c5 Nf3 g6 d4 Bg7
B27Buecker Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 h6
B30Old Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6
B30Rossolimo (Nezmetdinov) Variation, Sicilian; B30e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5
B31B31e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 g6
B31Gufeld Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 g6 O-O Bg7 c3 e5 d4
B31Lutikov Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 g6 O-O Bg7 c3 Nf6 d4
B31Gurgenidze Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 g6 O-O Bg7 Re1 e5 b4
B31San Francisco Gambit, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Na5 b4
B32B32e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4
B32Bourdonnais; Lowenthal Var, Sice4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e5
B32Kalashnikov Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 e5 Nb5 d6
B34Accelerated Dragon; Fianchetto Var; B34e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6
B36Maroczy Bind, Sicilian; B36e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6 c4
B37B37e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6 c4 Bg7
B38B38e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6 c4 Bg7 Be3
B39Breyer Variation, Sicilian; B39e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6 c4 Bg7 Be3 Nf6 Nc3 Ng4
B36Gurgenidze Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Nxd4 Qxd4 d6
B35B35e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Be3 Nf6 Bc4
B33B33e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6
B33Four Knights Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3
B33Lasker-Pelikan Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5
B33Pelikan Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6
B33Chelyabinsk Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Bg5 a6 Na3 b5
B33Sveshnikov Variation, Sicilian e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Bg5 a6 Na3 b5 Bxf6 gxf6 Nd5 f5
B33Bird Variation, Sicliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 e5 Ndb5 d6 Bg5 a6 Na3 Be6
B32Godiva Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Qb6
B32Flohr Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Qc7
B29Nimzovich; Rubinstein Var, Sicilian; B29e4 c5 Nf3 Nf6
B29Advance Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Nf6 e5
B27Mongoose Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Qa5
B27Althouse; Stiletto Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Qa5
B27Accelerated Paulsen, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Qc7
B27Quinteros Variation, Siciliane4 c5 Nf3 Qc7
B10Caro-Kann Defense; B10e4 c6
B10Modern; English Variation, Accelerated Panov; Caro-Kanne4 c6 c4
B10Breyer Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d3
B10Stein Attack, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d3 d5 Nd2 g6 g3 Bg7 Bg2 e5 Ngf3 Ne7 O-O O-O b4
B12B12e4 c6 d4
B12Advance Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 e5
B12Prins Attack, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 b4
B12Bayonet Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 g4
B12Tal Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 h4
B12Van der Wiel Attack, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Nc3
B12Dreyev Defense, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Nc3 Qb6
B12Bronstein Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Ne2
B12Short Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 Bf5 Nf3
B12Botvinnik-Carls Defense, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 e5 c5
B13Exchange Variation, Caro; B13e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5
B13Panov-Botvinnik; Gunderam Attacke4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxd5 c4
B14B14e4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxd5 c4 Nf6 Nc3
B14Carlsbad Line, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxd5 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 e6
B14Czerniak Line, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 exd5 cxd5 c4 Nf6 Nc3 Nc6 Bg5 Qa5
B12Maroczy Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 f3
B12Fantasy; Lilienfisch Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 f3
B12Maroczy Gambit, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 f3 dxe4 fxe4 e5 Nf3 exd4 Bc4
B15B15e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3
B15Gurgenidze Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 b5
B18Classical Variation, Caro; B18e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Bf5
B19B19e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Bf5 Ng3 Bg6 h4 h6 Nf3
B18Flohr Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Bf5 Ng3 Bg6 Nh3
B16Finnish Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 h6
B17Karpov Variation, Caro-Kann; B17e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7
B17Smyslov Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7 Bc4 Ngf6 Ng5 e6 Qe2 Nb6
B17Tiviakov-Fischer Attack, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7 Bc4 Ngf6 Nxf6+ Nxf6
B17Kasparov Attack, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7 Nf3 Ngf6 Ng3
B17Ivanchuk Defense, Caro Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7 Ng5 Ndf6
B15Knight Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6
B15Tarrasch (Alekhine) Gambit, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6 Bd3
B15Tartakower Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6 Nxf6+ exf6
B15Forgacs Variation, Caro Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6 Nxf6+ exf6 Bc4
B16Nimzovich; Bronstein-Larsen, Caro; B16e4 c6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nf6 Nxf6+ gxf6
B12Modern Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nd2
B12New Caro-Kanne4 c6 d4 d5 Nd2 g6
B12Edinburgh Variation, Caroe4 c6 d4 d5 Nd2 Qb6
B11B11e4 c6 Nc3
B11Two Knights Attack, Caro Kanne4 c6 Nc3 d5 Nf3
B11Mindeno Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg4
B11Retreat Line, Mindeno Variation, Caro-Kanne4 c6 Nc3 d5 Nf3 Bg4 h3 Bh5
B10Goldman Variation, Caroe4 c6 Nc3 d5 Qf3
B10Two Knights Variation, Caroe4 c6 Nf3 d5 Nc3
B01Center Counter; Scandanavian; B01e4 d5
B01Marshall Gambit, Scandanavian G; Modern Variation, CCe4 d5 exd5 Nf6
B01Panov Transfer, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Nf6 c4 c6
B01Icelandic-Palme Gambit, CCe4 d5 exd5 Nf6 c4 e6
B01Portuguese Gambit, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Nf6 d4 Bg4 f3 Bf5 Bb5+ Nbd7
B01Marshall Variation, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Nf6 d4 Nxd5
B01Tomalty Gambit, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Nf6 d4 Nxd5 c4 Nf6 Nc3 c5
B01Mieses-Kotroc Variation, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Qxd5
B01Leonhardt (Rosen) Gambit, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qa5 b4
B01Mieses Variation, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qa5 d4 Nf6
B01Gruenfeld Variation, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qa5 d4 Nf6 Nf3 Bf5 Ne5 c6 g4
B01Gubinsky-Melts Defense, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qd6
B01Schiller-Pytel Variation, Center Countere4 d5 exd5 Qxd5 Nc3 Qd6 d4 c6
B01Closed Scandaviane4 d5 Nc3
B07B07e4 d6
B07Maroczy Defense, Pirce4 d6 d4 e5
B07Small Center Defensee4 d6 d4 e6
B07Pirc Defensee4 d6 d4 Nf6
B07Lion’s Jaw, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 f3
B07Czech Defensee4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 c6
B07Pirc; Ufimtsev; Antal Defensee4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6
B07Kholmov System, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Bc4
B07Classical System, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be2
B07Chinese Variation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be2 Bg7 g4
B07Bayonet Attack, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be2 Bg7 h4
B07Sveshnikov-Jansa Attack, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 h3
B07150 Attacke4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 c6 Qd2
B07Panov; Opatijav; Byrne Variation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Bg5
B09Austrian Attack, Pirc; B09e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4
B09Ljubojevic Variation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4 Bg7 Bc4
B09Austrian; Yugoslav Defense, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3
B09Dragon Formation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3 c5
B09Weiss Variation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Bd3
B09Kurajica Variation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3 O-O Be3
B09Unzicker Attack, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 f4 Bg7 Nf3 O-O e5
B08B08e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3
B08Two Knights System, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7
B08Quiet System, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2
B08Parma Defense, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O Bg4
B08Czech Defense, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O c6
B08Chigorin Line, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 Be2 O-O O-O Nc6
B08Schlechter Variation, Pirce4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Nf3 Bg7 h3
B07Anti-Philidore4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 Nbd7 f4
C20King Pawn Game; C20e4 e5
C20Mengarini Openinge4 e5 a3
C23Bishop’s Opening; C23e4 e5 Bc4
C23Classical Variation, Bishop; Boi Variatione4 e5 Bc4 Bc5
C23MacDonnell Gambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 b4
C23Labourdonnais-Denker Gambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3
C23Philidor Variation, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 c3
C23Lewis Counter-Gambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 c3 d5
C23Lewis Countergambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 c3 d5 Bxd5 Nf6
C23Walker Variation, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 c3 d5 Bxd5 Nf6 d4
C23Lewis Gambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Bc5 d4
C24Berlin Defense, Bishop; C24e4 e5 Bc4 Nf6
C24Spielmann Attack, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 d3 Bc5 Nc3
C24Vienna Hybrid, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 d3 Nc6 Nc3
C24Hromadka Variation, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 d3 Nc6 Nc3 Bb4 Ne2
C24Urusov; Ouroussoff; Keidansky Ge4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 d4 exd4 Nf3
C24Keidansky Gambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 d4 exd4 Nf3 Nxe4 Qxd4
C23Blanel Gambit, Bishope4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 Nc3 Nxe4
C20Tortoise Openinge4 e5 Bd3
C20Clam Variation; Leonardis Variatione4 e5 d3
C20Indian Openinge4 e5 d3
C20Weber Gambite4 e5 d3 d5 exd5 c6 dxc6 Nxc6
C20King’s Gambit Reversede4 e5 d3 f5
C21Center Game; C21e4 e5 d4
C21Center Game Acceptede4 e5 d4 exd4
C21Von der Lasa Gambite4 e5 d4 exd4 Bc4
C21Sorensen Defense, Centere4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 d5
C21Schlechter Defense, Centere4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 d5
C21Chigorin Defense, Danish Gambite4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Bc4 cxb2 Bxb2 Qe7
C21Svenonius Defense, Centere4 e5 d4 exd4 c3 Ne7
C22C22e4 e5 d4 exd4 Qxd4
C22Hall Variation, Centere4 e5 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Qc4
C22Paulsen Attack Variation, Centere4 e5 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Qe3
C22Berger Variation, Centere4 e5 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Qe3 Nf6
C30Classical Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 Bc5
C30Marshall (Euwe) Attack, KGDe4 e5 f4 Bc5 Nf3 d6 c3 Bg4 fxe5 dxe5 Qa4+
C30Rubinstein Countergambit, KGDe4 e5 f4 Bc5 Nf3 d6 c3 f5
C30Svenonius Variation, KGDe4 e5 f4 Bc5 Nf3 d6 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Nc6 d3 Bg4
C30Mafia Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 c5
C31Falkbeer Counter-Gambit, KGD; C31e4 e5 f4 d5
C31Falkbeer Countergambit Accepted, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5
C31Miles Gambit, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 Bc5
C31Nimzovich-Marshall Variation, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 c6
C31Marshall C-G, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 c6
C32Staunton Line, KGD; C32e4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 e4
C31Nimzovich Variation, KGD; Anderssen Attacke4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 e4 Bb5+
C32Reti (Charousek) Variation, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 e4 d3
C32Morphy Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 e4 d3 Nf6 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 e3
C32Modern Transfer, Falkbeer Countergambit, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 exd5 exf4
C31Blackbunre Attack, KGDe4 e5 f4 d5 Nf3
C33Kieseritzky Gambit, Bishop’s Gambit, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 b5
C33Lopez Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 c6
C33Bledow Countergambit, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 d5 Bxd5 Nf6
C33Gianutio Counter-Gambit, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 f5
C33Anderssen Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 g5
C33Cozio; Hanneken; Prussian; Lichtenheine4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Nf6
C33Bryan; Kieseritzky Gambit, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 b5
C33Greco Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 Bc5
C33Classical Defense, KGA; Lopez Variatione4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 g5
C33MacDonnell Attack, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 g5 Nc3 Bg7 d4 Ne7 g3
C33McDonnell Attack, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 g5 Nc3 Bg7 g3
C33Fraser Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 g5 Nc3 Bg7 g3 fxg3 Qf3
C33Jaenisch Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Bc4 Qh4+ Kf1 Qf6
C33Weiss Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Be2 f5 exf5 d6
C35Cunningham Gambit, KGA; C35e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7
C35Wild Cunningham Gambit, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 Bh4+
C35Neo-Cunningham Gambit, KGA; McCormick Defensee4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7 Bc4 Nf6
C36Scandinavian Variation, KGA; Modern Defense, KGA; C36e4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 d5
C36Abbazia Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 d5 exd5 Nf6
C34Gianutio Countergambit, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 f5
C37Silberschmidt Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 Bc4 g4 Ne5 Qh4+ Kf1 Nh6
C37Anderssen Counter-Attack, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 Bc4 g4 Ne5 Qh4+ Kf1 Nh6 d4 d6
C37Holloway Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 Bc4 g4 O-O gxf3 Qxf3 Nc6
C39Paulsen Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 Bg7
C39Campbell; Brentano; Morphy Var, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 d5
C39Green; Kolisch Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 d6
C39Long Whip Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 h5
C39Neumann Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 Nc6
C39Paulsen Defense Deferred, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 Nf6 Bc4 d5 exd5 Bg7
C39Riviere Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 Nf6 Nxg4 d5
C39Rosenthal; Stockwhip Var, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 g5 h4 g4 Ne5 Qe7
C34Becker; Anti-Kieseritzky Var, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 h6
C34MacLeod Defense, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Nc6
C34Bonsch-Osmolovsky Variation, KGAe4 e5 f4 exf4 Nf3 Ne7
C30Soller-Zilbermints Gambit, KGDe4 e5 f4 f6 fxe5 Nc6
C30Queen’s Knight Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 Nc6
C30Miles Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 Nc6 Nf3 f5
C30Petrov’s Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 Nf6
C30Schubert Variation, KGDe4 e5 f4 Qf6 Nc3 Qxf4 d4
C30Keene Defense, KGDe4 e5 f4 Qh4+ g3 Qe7
C25Vienna; Hamppe Opening; C25e4 e5 Nc3
C25Zhuravlev Counter-Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Bb4 Qg4
C25Zhuraviev Countergambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Bb4 Qg4 Nf6
C25Anderssen Defense, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Bc5
C25Omaha Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 d6 f4
C23Meitner-Mieses Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 Qg4 Qf6 Nd5
C25Quelle Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 Bc5 fxe5 d6
C25Fraser-Minckwitz Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 exf4 d4 Qh4+ Ke2 b6
C25Zukertort Defense, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 exf4 d4 Qh4+ Ke2 d5
C25Paulsen Defense, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 exf4 d4 Qh4+ Ke2 d6
C25Cunningham Defense, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 f4 exf4 Nf3 Be7
C25Paulsen Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3
C25Mariotti Gambite4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 g3 Bc5 Bg2 h5 Nf3 h4
C26Falkbeer Variation, Vienna; C26e4 e5 Nc3 Nf6
C26Mengarini Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 a3
C27Stanley Variation, Vienna; C27e4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4
C27Reversed Spanish, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Bb4
C27Bishop Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Bc5
C27Eifel Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Bc5 Nge2 b5
C28Three Knights Variation, Vienna; C28e4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Nc6
C27Modern Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Nxe4
C27Monster Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Nxe4 Qh5 Nd6 Bb3 Be7
C27Alekhine Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Nxe4 Qh5 Nd6 Bb3 Be7 Nf3 Nc6 Nxe5
C27Frankenstein-Dracula Var, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4 Nxe4 Qh5 Nd6 Bb3 Nc6 Nb5 g6 Qf3 f5 Qd5 Qe7
C29Vienna Gambit, Vienna; C29e4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 f4
C29Breyer Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 f4 d5 fxe5 Nxe4 Nf3 Be7
C29Kaufmann Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 f4 d5 fxe5 Nxe4 Nf3 Bg4 Qe2
C29Paulsen Attack, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 f4 d5 fxe5 Nxe4 Qf3
C29Bardeleben Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 f4 d5 fxe5 Nxe4 Qf3 f5
C26Mieses Variation, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3
C25Polluck Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 Bc5 Bg2 Nc6 Nge2 d5 exd5
C25Erben Gambit, Viennae4 e5 Nc3 Nf6 g3 d5 exd5 c6
C20Alapin Openinge4 e5 Ne2
C40King’s Knight Opening; C40e4 e5 Nf3
C41Philidor Defense; C41e4 e5 Nf3 d6
C41Exchange Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 exd4
C41Morphy Gambit, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 exd4 Bc4
C41Bird Gambit, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 exd4 c3
C41Larsen Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 g6
C41Boden Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Bd7
C41Hanham; Lord Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nd7
C41Delmar Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nd7 Bc4 c6 c3
C41Schlechter Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nd7 Bc4 c6 Nc3
C41Jaenisch Counter-Attack, Philidor; Nimzovich Variatione4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nf6
C41Klein Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nf6 Bc4
C41Sokolsky Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nf6 dxe5 Nxe4 Nbd2
C41Rellstab Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nf6 dxe5 Nxe4 Qd5
C41Larobok Variation, Philidore4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 Nbd7
C40Mayet Attack, Latviane4 e5 Nf3 f5 Bc4
C40Poisoned Pawn Variation, Latviane4 e5 Nf3 f5 Bc4 fxe4 Nxe5 Qg5 d4 Qxg2
C40Duke of Courland Variation, Latviane4 e5 Nf3 f5 Bc4 fxe4 Nxe5 Qg5 d4 Qxg2 Qh5 g6 Bf7 Kd8 Bg6 Qh1
C40Diepstraten Countergambit, Latviane4 e5 Nf3 f5 c4
C40Mason Countergambit, Latviane4 e5 Nf3 f5 d4
C40Foltys Variation, Latviane4 e5 Nf3 f5 Nxe5 Qf6 Nc4 fxe4 d3
C44C44e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6
C60Ruy Lopez; Spanish Opening; C60e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5
C60Bulgarian Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a5
C68Morphy Defense, Ruy Lopez; C68e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6
C70Morphy Defense, Ruy Lopez; C70e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4
C70Caro Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 b5
C70Graz Variation, Ruye4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 b5 Bb3 Bc5
C70Furman-Taimanov; Wing Var, Ruy; Norwegian Variatione4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 b5 Bb3 Na5
C70Nightingale Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 b5 Bb3 Na5 Bxf7+
C70Classical Defense Deferred, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Bc5
C71Steinitz Defense Deferred; Ruy Lopez; C71e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6
C71Modern Steinitz Defense, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6
C73C73e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 Bxc6+ bxc6
C73Richter Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 Bxc6+ bxc6 d4
C73Alapin Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 Bxc6+ bxc6 d4 f6
C74C74e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 c3
C75C75e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 c3 Bd7
C76C76e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 c3 Bd7 d4 g6
C74Kopaiev Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 c3 f5 exf5 Bxf5 O-O
C71Keres Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 c4
C72C72e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 d6 O-O
C70Jaenisch Gambit Deferred, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 f5 exf5
C77C77e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6
C77Treybel; Flohr; Exchange Var Deferrede4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 Bxc6
C77Bayreuth Variation, ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 Bxc6
C77Jaffe Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 c3
C77Anderssen Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 d3
C77Duras Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 d3 d6 c4
C77Mackenzie Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 d4
C77Center Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 d4 exd4
C77Nimzovich; Tarrasch Var, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 Nc3
C78Normal Variation, Ruy Lopez; C78e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O
C78Arkangelsk; Counterthrust Var, Ruye4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O b5
C78Wing Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O b5 Bb3 Be7 a4
C78Neo-Steinitz Defense, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O b5 Bb3 d6
C78Moeller Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Bc5
C84Closed Defense, Ruy Lopez; C84e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7
C85Delayed Exchange Ruy Lopez Deferred; C85e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Bxc6
C84Center Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 d4
C84Lopez Four Knights, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Nc3
C86Worrall Attack, Ruy Lopez; C86e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Qe2
C86Schlechter Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Qe2 b5 Bb3 O-O c3 d5
C86English Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Qe2 b5 Bb3 O-O c3 d6 d4 Bg4
C87C87e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1
C88C88e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3
C88Trajkovic Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 Bb7
C88Pseudo-Marshall Var, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 Bb7 c3 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxe5 Nxe5
C90C90e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6
C90Balla Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 Na5 Bc2 c5 d4 Qc7
C90Suetin Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O a3
C90Lutikov Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O Bc2
C90Pilnik Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O d3
C91Yates Variation, Ruy; C91e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O d4
C91Bogoljubow; Counterthrust Var, Ruy e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O d4 Bg4
C92C92e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3
C92Keres Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 a5
C92Flohr; Zaitsev; Lenzerheide Var, Ruy e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Bb7
C92Kholmov Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Be6
C93Smyslov Variation, Ruy Lopez; C93 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 h6
C96C96 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Na5
C96Keres Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Na5 Bc2 c5 d4 Nd7
C97Chigorin Variation, Ruy Lopez; C97 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Na5 Bc2 c5 d4 Qc7
C94Breyer; Retreat Variation, Ruy Lopez; C94 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Nb8
C95C95 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Nb8 d4
C95Borisenko Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Nb8 d4 Nbd7
C95Arseniev Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Nb8 d4 Nbd7 c4
C95Simagin Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Nb8 d4 Nbd7 Nh4
C92Keres Defense, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Nd7
C92Zaitsev System, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Re8
C88Anti-Marshall Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O a4
C89C89e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O c3
C89Marshall Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O c3 d5
C89Marshall Counter-Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O c3 d5 d4
C90Suetin Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O c3 d6 a3
C87Averbakh Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 d6
C87Romanovsky Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 d6 c3 O-O d4 Bd7 Nbd2 exd4 cxd4 Nb4
C79Russian Defense, Ruy Lopez; C79; Lasker Defensee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O d6
C80Tarrasch; Open Variation, Ruy Lopez; C80e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4
C80Schlechter Defense, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 a4 Nxd4
C83Malkin Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5
C81Keres; Estonian; Howell; Moscow Vare4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6
C82C82 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3
C82Italian Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Bc5
C82St Petersburg Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Bc5 Nbd2
C82Dilworth; Kleczynski Var, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Bc5 Nbd2 O-O Bc2
C82Motzko Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Bc5 Qd3
C82Nenarokov Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Bc5 Qd3 Ne7
C83C83 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Be7
C83Breslau Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Be7 Re1 O-O Nd4
C82Berlin Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 c3 Nc5
C80Bernstein Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 Nbd2
C80Karpov Gambit, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 Nbd2 Nc5 c3 d4
C81Howell Attack, Ruy Lopez; C81 e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 Qe2
C81Ekstrom Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Bb3 d5 dxe5 Be6 Qe2 Be7 Rd1 O-O c4
C80Friess Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 b5 Nxe5
C80Tartakower Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 Qe2
C77Wormald Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 Qe2
C70Cozio Defense Deferred, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nge7
C68Exchange Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6
C68Lutikov Variation, Ruy Lopez Exchangee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 bxc6
C68Keres Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 bxc6 Nc3
C68Romanovsky Variation, Ruy Lopez Exchangee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 bxc6 Nc3 f6 d3
C68Alekhjne Variation, Ruy Lopez Exchangee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Qxd4 Nxd4 Bd6
C68Barendregt-Fischer Var, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 O-O
C68King’s Bishop Variation, Ruy Lopez Exchangee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 O-O Bd6
C68Alapin Gambit, Ruy Lopez Exchangee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 O-O Bg4 h3 h5
C69Gligoric Variation, Ruy Lopez; C69e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 O-O f6
C69Bronstein Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6 dxc6 O-O Qd6
C60Alapin Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Bb4 c3 Ba5 Bxc6 dxc6
C64Classical; Cordel Var, Ruy Lopez; C64e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Bc5
C64Cordel Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Bc5 c3 f5
C64Benelux Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 Bb6 O-O O-O
C64Zaitsev Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Bc5 O-O Nd4 b4
C64Zukertort Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Bc5 O-O Nf6 c3
C60Lucena Defense, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Be7
C60Harding Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 d5 Nxe5 Qg5 Nxc6
C60Fricke Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 d5 Nxe5 Qg5 O-O
C62Steinitz Defense, Ruy Lopez; C62e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 d6
C62Nimzovich Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 d6 d4 Bd7 Nc3 Nf6 Bxc6
C62Center Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 d6 d4 exd4 O-O
C63Schliemann; Jaenisch Var, Ruy Lopez; C63e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5
C63Exchange Variation, Schliemann Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5 Bxc6
C63Schoenemann Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5 d4
C63Jaenisch Gambit Accepted, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5 exf5
C63Berger (Dyckhoff) Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5 Nc3
C63Tartakower Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5 Nc3 fxe4 Nxe4 Nf6
C63Soviet Youth Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 f5 Nc3 Nd4 O-O
C60Barnes; Smyslov; Fianchetto Var, Ruye4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 g6
C61Bird Defense, Ruy Lopez; C61e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nd4
C61Paulsen Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nd4 Nxd4 exd4 O-O Ne7
C65Berlin Defense, Ruy Lopez; C65e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6
C65Kaufmann Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 d3 Bc5 Be3
C65Anderssen Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 d3 d6 Bxc6+
C65Duras Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 d3 d6 c4
C65Mortimer Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 d3 Ne7
C65Nyholm Attack, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 d4 exd4 O-O
C65Beverwijk Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Bc5
C66Improved Steinitz Defense, Ruy Lopez; C66e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O d6
C66Hedgehog Defense, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O d6 d4 Bd7 Nc3 Be7
C66Closed Bernstein Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O d6 d4 Bd7 Nc3 Be7 Bg5
C66Closed Showalter Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O d6 d4 Bd7 Nc3 Be7 Bxc6
C66Closed Wolf Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O d6 d4 Bd7 Nc3 exd4
C67Rio Gambit Accepted, Ruy Lopez; C67e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4
C67Rosenthal Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 a6
C67Rio de Janeiro Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7
C67Minckwitz Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7 dxe5
C67Pillsbury Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7 Qe2 Nd6 Bxc6+ bxc6 dxe5 Nb7 b3
C67Zukertort Variation, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7 Qe2 Nd6 Bxc6+ bxc6 dxe5 Nb7 c4
C67Berlin; Rio de Janerio Var, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7 Qe2 Nd6 Bxc6+ bxc6 dxe5 Nb7 Nc3 O-O Re1
C67Winawer Attack, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7 Qe2 Nd6 Bxc6+ bxc6 dxe5 Nb7 Nd4 O-O
C67Cordel Defense, Ruy Lopez e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Be7 Qe2 Nd6 Bxc6+ bxc6 dxe5 Nf5
C67L’Hermet Variation, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Nd6
C67Westerinen Line, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Nxe4 d4 Nd6 Bxc6 dxc6 dxe5 Ne4
C60Cozio Defense, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nge7
C60Tartakower Gambit, Ruy Lopeze4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nge7 d4 exd4 Nxd4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 Be3 O-O Qd2 d5
C50Italian Game; C50e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4
C50Giuoco Piano; Italian Openinge4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5
C51Evans Gambit; C51e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4
C51Evans Gambit Acceptede4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4
C52Main Line, Evans Gambit; C52e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5
C52Leonhardt Variation, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 b5
C52Lasker Defense, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 d6 O-O Bb6
C52Tartakower Attack, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 d6 Qb3
C52Pierce Defense, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 exd4
C52Waller Attack, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 Qb3
C52Compromised Defense, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 exd4 O-O dxc3
C52Mieses Defense, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Ba5 d4 exd4 O-O Nge7
C51Normal Position, Evans Gambite4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 cxd4 Bb6
C51Ulvestad Variation, Evans e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 cxd4 Bb6 d5 Na5 Bb2
C51Paulsen Variation, Evans e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 cxd4 Bb6 d5 Na5 Bb2 Ne7
C51Morphy Attack, Evans e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 cxd4 Bb6 Nc3
C51Fraser Attack; Mortimer, Evans e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 cxd4 Bb6 Nc3 Bg4 Qa4
C51Goering Attack, Evans e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bc5 d4 exd4 O-O d6 cxd4 Bb6 Nc3 Na5 Bg5
C51Stone-Ware Defense, Evans Gambite4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Bd6
C51Anderssen Variation, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Be7
C51Cordel Line, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 Bxb4 c3 Be7 d4 Na5
C51Hein Countergambit, Evanse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 b4 d5
C53Classical Variation, Italian; C53e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3
C53Labourdonnais Variation, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 d6 d4 exd4 cxd4 Bb6
C54C54e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6
C54Bird Attack, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 b4
C53Giuoco Pianissimoe4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d3
C53Center Attack, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4
C53Grevo Gambit, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 exd4 cxd4
C54Cracow Variation, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 exd4 cxd4 Bb4+ Kf1
C54Moeller (Therkatz) Attack, Italian e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 exd4 cxd4 Bb4+ Nc3 Nxe4 O-O Bxc3 d5
C54Therkatz-Herzog, Italian e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 exd4 cxd4 Bb4+ Nc3 Nxe4 O-O Bxc3 d5 Bf6 Re1 Ne7
C54Greco Variation, Italian e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 exd4 cxd4 Bb4+ Nc3 Nxe4 O-O Nxc3
C54Mason Gambit, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Nf6 d4 exd4 O-O
C53Lewis Defense, Italian; Closed Variatione4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Qe7
C53Mestel Variation, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 c3 Qe7 d4 Bb6 Bg5
C50Giuoco Pianissimoe4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 d3
C50Italian Four Knights Variatione4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 d3 Nf6 Nc3
C50Canal Variation, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 d3 Nf6 Nc3 d6 Bg5
C50Rosentreter Gambit, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 d4
C50Italian Variation, Four Knights Gamee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 Nc3 Nf6
C50Deutz Gambit, Italiane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Bc5 O-O Nf6 d4
C50Hungarian Defensee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Be7
C50Half Giuoco Piano; Semi-Italian Openinge4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 d6
C55Two Knights Defense; C55e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6
C55Modern Bishop’s Openinge4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 d3
C56Open Variation, Two Knights Defense; C56e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 d4
C56Scotch Gambite4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 d4 exd4 O-O
C56Max Lange Attacke4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 d4 exd4 O-O Bc5 e5
C56Double Gambit Accepted, Two Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 d4 exd4 O-O Nxe4
C57Prussian Game; Knight Attack, Two Knights; C57e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5
C57Trencianske-Teplice Gambit, Two Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 Bc5 Bxf7+ Ke7 d4
C57Ulvestad Variation, 2 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 b5
C58Polerio Defense, Two Knights; C58e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Na5
C59C59e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Na5 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 bxc6 Be2
C59Suhle Defense, Two Knights e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Na5 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 bxc6 Be2 h6
C58Bogoljubow Variation, Two Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Na5 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 bxc6 Qf3
C58Colman Variation, 2 Knights e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Na5 Bb5+ c6 dxc6 bxc6 Qf3 Rb8
C57Fritz Variation, 2 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Nd4
C57Lolli Attack, 2 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Nxd5 d4
C57Fried Liver; Fegatello Attack, 2 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 d5 exd5 Nxd5 Nxf7
C44Taylor Opening; Inverted Hungariane4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Be2
C44Inverted Hanham Openinge4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Be2 Nf6 d3 d5 Nbd2
C44Ponziani; Staunton; English Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3
C44Caro Variation, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 d5 Qa4 Bd7
C44Steinitz Variation, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 d5 Qa4 f6
C44Leonhardt Variation, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 d5 Qa4 Nf6
C44Ponziani Counter-Gambite4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 f5
C44Schmidt Attack, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 f5 d4 d6 d5
C44Jaenisch Counterattack, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6
C44Breyer Opening, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d3 Be7 b4
C44Vukovic Gambit, Ponzianie4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 c3 Nf6 d4 Nxe4 d5 Bc5
C44Scotch Gamee4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4
C44Scotch Gambite4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Bc4
C44London Defense, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Bc4 Bb4+
C44Paulsen; Anderssen C-A, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Bc4 Bc5 O-O d6 c3 Bg4
C44Benima Defense, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Bc4 Be7
C44Goering Gambit, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 c3
C44Goering Gambit Declined, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 c3 d5
C44Bardeleben Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 c3 dxc3 Nxc3 Bb4 Bc4 Nf6
C45C45e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4
C45Malaniuk Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bb4+
C45Classical Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5
C45`Paulsen Attack, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Be3 Qf6 c3 Nge7 Bb5
C45Fleissig; Meitner Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Be3 Qf6 c3 Nge7 Nc2
C45Blackburne Attack, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Be3 Qf6 c3 Nge7 Qd2
C45Millennium Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Be3 Qf6 c3 Qg6
C45Potter Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Nb3
C45Romanishin Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Nb3 Bb4+
C45Geller Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Nb3 Bb6 a4 a6 Nc3 Nf6
C45Intermezzo Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Bc5 Nxc6 Qf6
C45Schmidt Var; Scotch Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3
C45Mieses Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6
C45Tartakower Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nxc6 bxc6 Nd2
C45Steinitz; Pulling Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Qh4
C45Braune Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Qh4 Be3
C45Horwitz Attack, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Qh4 Nb5
C45Steinitz Variation, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Qh4 Nc3
C45Fraser Attack, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Qh4 Nf3
C44Lolli Attack, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 Nxd4
C44Napoleon Gambit, Scotche4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 d4 Nxd4 Nxd4 exd4 Bc4
C44Konstantinopolsky Openinge4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 g3
C46Three Knights Opening; C46e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3
C46Schlechter Variation, Three Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Bb4 Nd5 Nf6
C46Rosenthal Variation, Three Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 g6 d4 exd4 Nd5
C47Four Knights Openng; C47e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6
C47Gunsberg Variation, Four Kngithse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 a3
C47Provincial Opening, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 a3 d6 h3
C48Spanish Four Knights Game; C48e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5
C48Ranken Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 a6 Bxc6
C49Double Ruy Lopez Opening, 4 Knights; C49e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4
C49Paulsen Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O Bxc6
C49Svenonius Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 Bxc3 bxc3 d5
C49Janowski Variation, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 Bxc3 bxc3 d6 Re1
C49Symmetrical Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 d6
C49Bernstein Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 d6 Bg5 Bxc3 bxc3 Ne7
C49Metger Unpin Variation, 4 Knights e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 d6 Bg5 Bxc3 bxc3 Qe7 Re1 Nd8
C49Pillsbury Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 d6 Bg5 Ne7
C49Maroczy Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O d3 d6 Ne2
C49Blackburne Attack, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bb4 O-O O-O Nd5 Bc5 d4
C48Classical Variation, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bc5
C48Marshall Gambit, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Bc5 Nxe5 Nd4 Ba4 O-O
C48Rubinstein Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bb5 Nd4
C46Italian Variation, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 Bc4
C47Bogoljubow (Scotch) Variation, 4 Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 d4
C47Krause Gambit, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 d4 Bb4 Nxe5
C47Leonhardt Defense, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 d4 Bb4 Nxe5 Qe7
C47Schmid Gambit, Four Knightse4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nxe4
C42Petroff Defense; Russian Defense; C42e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6
C42Lichtenhein Defense, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Bc4 Nxe4 Nc3 d5
C43Modern Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 d4
C43Symmetrical Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 d5
C43Tal Gambit, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 exd4 e5 Ne4 Bb5
C43Center Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 exd4 e5 Ne4 Qxd4
C43Trifunovic Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 Nxe4 Bd3 d5 Nxe5 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 Bxe5
C43Murret Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 d4 Nxe4 Bd3 Nc6
C42Russian Three Knights Var, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3
C42Paulsen Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nc4
C42Karklins-Martinovsky Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nd3
C42Millenium Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 Bd3
C42Kaufmann Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 c4
C42French Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d3
C42Classical Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4
C42Marshall Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6
C42Staunton Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Bd6 O-O O-O c4 c6
C42Jaenisch Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Be7 O-O Nc6 c4
C42Browne Attack, Petroff e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Be7 O-O Nc6 c4 Nb4 cxd5
C42Chigorin Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Be7 O-O Nc6 Re1
C42Berger Variation, Petroff e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Be7 O-O Nc6 Re1 Bg4 c3 f5 Nbd2
C42Mason Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Be7 O-O O-O
C42Mason-Showalter Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 d4 d5 Bd3 Nc6
C42Nimzovich Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 Nc3
C42Lasker Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 Qe2
C42Cozio (Lasker) Attack, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 d6 Nf3 Nxe4 Qe2
C42Damiano Variation, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe4
C42Kholmov Gambit, Petroffe4 e5 Nf3 Nf6 Nxe5 Nxe4 Qe2 Qe7
C20Wayward Queen; Danvers; Parnhame4 e5 Qh5
C20Kiddie Countergambite4 e5 Qh5 Nf6
C00French Defense; C00e4 e6
C00Reti (Horwitz) Variation, Frenche4 e6 b3
C00Bird Invitation, Frenche4 e6 Bb5
C00King”s Indian Attacke4 e6 d3
C00Reversed Philidor, Frenche4 e6 d3 d5 Nd2 Nf6 Ngf3 Nc6 Be2
C01C01e4 e6 d4
C01Schlechter Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Bd3
C02Advance Variation, French; C02e4 e6 d4 d5 e5
C02Extended Bishop Swap, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 Bd7
C02Advance; Nimzovich; Steinitz Var, Fre4 e6 d4 d5 e5 Bd7
C02Paulsen Attack, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 Nc6 Nf3
C02Euwe Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 Nc6 Nf3 Bd7
C02Lputian Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 Nc6 Nf3 Qb6 a3 Nh6
C02Milner-Barry Gambit, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 Nc6 Nf3 Qb6 Bd3
C02Wade Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 c3 Qb6 Nf3 Bd7
C02Nimzovich Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 Nf3
C02Ruisdonk Gambit, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 e5 c5 Nf3 cxd4 Bd3
C01Exchange Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 exd5 exd5
C01Monte Carlo Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 exd5 exd5 c4
C01Svenius Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 exd5 exd5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5
C10Normal Variation, French; C10e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3
C15Winawer Variation, French; C15e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4
C15Winckelmann-Riemer Gambit, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 a3
C15Fingerslip Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2
C15Kunin Double Gambit, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 dxe4 Qg4 Qxd4
C15Schwarz’s Line, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 Bd2 Ne7 Nb1
C15Kondratiyev Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 Bd3 c5 exd5 Qxd5 Bd2
C16C16e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5
C17C17e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5
C18C18e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 a3
C18Swiss (Retreat) Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 a3 Ba5
C18Armenian Line, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 a3 Ba5 b4 cxd4
C19C19e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 Ne7
C19Poisoned Pawn Variation, French Winawere4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 a3 Bxc3+ bxc3 Ne7 Qg4
C17Bogoljubow Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 Bd2
C17Icelandic Defense, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 Bd2 Ne7 f4
C17Moscow Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 e5 c5 Qg4
C15Delayed Exchange Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 exd5
C01Canal Attack, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 exd5 exd5 Bd3 Ne7 Qh5
C15Alekhine (Maroczy) Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 Ne2
C15Kan Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Bb4 Ne2 dxe4 a3 Bxc3+ Nxc3 Nc6
C10Rubinstein Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4
C10Blackburne Defense, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7
C10Capablanca Line, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 Nxe4 Nd7 Nf3 Ngf6 Nxf6+ Nxf6 Ne5
C11Classical Variation, French; C11e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6
C12C12e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5
C12McCutcheon Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4
C12Olland (Dutch) Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 Bc1
C12Lasker Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 Bd2 Bxc3
C12Duras Variation, French e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 Bd2 Bxc3 bxc3 Ne4 Qg4 Kf8 Bc1
C12Tartakower Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 Bd2 Nfd7
C12Janowski Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 Be3
C12Bernstein Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 Bh4
C12Chigorin Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 exf6
C12Grigoriev Variation, French e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 e5 h6 exf6 hxg5 fxg7 Rg8 h4 gxh4 Qg4
C12Wolf Gambit, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Bb4 Nge2
C14C14e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7
C14Anderssen (Richter) Attack, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 Bxf6
C14Tartakower Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Ne4
C14Classical Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 Bxe7 Qxe7
C14Tarrasch Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 Bxe7 Qxe7 Bd3
C14Steinitz Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 Bxe7 Qxe7 f4
C14Alapin Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 Bxe7 Qxe7 Nb5
C14Rubinstein Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 Bxe7 Qxe7 Qd2
C14Pollock Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 Bxe7 Qxe7 Qg4
C14Chatard-Alekhine; Albin Attack, Fre4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 h4
C14Albin-Chatard Gambit, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 Be7 e5 Nfd7 h4 Bxg5 hxg5 Qxg5
C11Burn Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 dxe4
C13C13e4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 Bg5 dxe4
C11Steinitz Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5
C11Bradford Attack, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 dxc5 Bxc5 Qg4
C11Boleslavsky Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 f4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 Be3
C10Svenonius Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nc3 Nf6 exd5
C03Tarrasch Variation, French; C03e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2
C03Morozevich Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 Be7
C07Open System Tarrasch French; C07e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5
C08C08e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 exd5
C09C09e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 exd5 Ngf3 Nc6
C07Chistiakov Defense, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 c5 exd5 Qxd5
C04C04e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 Nc6
C04Guimard Variation, Frenche4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 Nc6 Ngf3 Nf6 e5 Nfd7
C05C05e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 Nf6
C06C06e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 Nf6 e5 Nfd7 Bd3
C01Hoffman Gambite4 e6 d4 d5 Qe2 e5 f4 exf4
C00Steinitz Attack, Frenche4 e6 e5
C00Bourdonnais (La Bourdonnais) Variation, Frenche4 e6 f4
C00Reti-Spielmann Attack, Frenche4 e6 g3
C00Queen’s Knight, Frenche4 e6 Nc3
C00Pelikan Variation, Frenche4 e6 Nc3 d5 f4
C00Two Knight Variation, Frenche4 e6 Nc3 d5 Nf3
C00Knight Variation, Frenche4 e6 Nf3
C00Wing Gambit, Frenche4 e6 Nf3 d5 e5 c5 b4
C00Two Knights Variation, Frenche4 e6 Nf3 d5 Nc3
C00Chigorin Variation, Frenche4 e6 Qe2
B06Pirc; Robatsch; Modern; King Pawn Fianchetto; B06e4 g6
B06Bishop Attacke4 g6 d4 Bg7 Bc4
A40Dunworth Variation, Modern Defensee4 g6 d4 Bg7 c4 d5 exd5 c6 dxc6 Bxd4
B06Three Pawns Attacke4 g6 d4 Bg7 f4
B06Pterodactyl, Pirce4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nc3 c5
B06Mittenberger Gambit, Modern Defensee4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nc3 d5
B06Anti-Moderne4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 Bc4 c6 Qe2
B06Pseudo-Austrian Attacke4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 f4
B06Two Knight Variation, Modern Defensee4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 Nf3
B06Suttles Variation, Modern Defensee4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nc3 d6 Nf3 c6
B06Geller’s System, Modern Defensee4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nf3 d6 c3
B06Rossolimo Variation, Modern Defensee4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nf3 d6 c4 Bg4
B06Accelerated Gurgenidzee4 g6 d4 Bg7 Nf3 d6 Nc3 c6
B00Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6
B00Pseudo-Spanish Variatione4 Nc6 Bb5
B00Scandanavian Variation, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 d5
B00Bogoljubow Variation, Nizovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 d5 Nc3
B00Richter Gambit, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 d5 Nb8 f3
B00Nimzovich Gambit, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 d5 Nc3 dxe4 d5 Ne5
B00Alekseev Variation, Nimzovich; Heinola-Deppe Gambite4 Nc6 d4 d5 Nc3 e5
B00Kennedy Variation, Nimzoviche4 Nc6 d4 e5
B00Linksspringer Variation, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 e5 d5
B00Burgar Gambit, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 e5 dxe5 d6
B00Riemann Defense, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 f4 Nc6
B00Keres Attack, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 Nc3
B00Paulsen Attack, Nimzovich Defensee4 Nc6 d4 e5 dxe5 Nxe5 Nf3
B00Breyer Defense, Nimzoviche4 Nc6 Nc3 Nf6
B00Williams Variation, Nimzoviche4 Nc6 Nf3 d6
B02Maroczy Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 d3
B02Welling Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 b3
B02Kmoch Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 c5 d3
B02Hunt Gambit, Alekhine; Two Pawn Attacke4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4
B02Steiner Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4 Nb6 b3
B02Lasker Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4 Nb6 c5
B02Mikenas Gambit, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4 Nb6 c5 Nd5 Bc4 e6 Nc3 d6 Nxd5 exd5 Bxd5
B02Matsukevich Gambit, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 c4 Nb6 c5 Nd5 Nc3 Nxc3 dxc3 d6 Bg5
B03B03e4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4
B03Balogh Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Bc4
B03Four Pawns Attack; Chase Ve4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 c4 Nb6 f4
B03Trifunovic Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 c4 Nb6 f4 Bf5
B04B04e4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Nf3
B05Alekhine Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Nf3 Bg4 c4
B04Panov Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Nf3 Bg4 h3
B04Larsen Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Nf3 dxe5
B04Alburt Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Nf3 g6
B04Keres Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 d4 d6 Nf3 g6 Bc4 Nb6 Bb3 Bg7 a4
B02Buckley Attack, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 Na3
B02Saemisch Attack, Alekhinee4 Nf6 e5 Nd5 Nc3
B02Scandanavian Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 Nc3 d5
B02Spielmann Variation, Alekhinee4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 e5 Nfd7 e6
B02Noch Gambit, Alekhinee4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 exd5
B02Geschev Gambit, Alekhinee4 Nf6 Nc3 d5 exd5 c6
A03A03f4 d5
A02From’s Gambit, Birdf4 e5
A02Canard Formation; Double Duckf4 f5 d4 d5
A02Pawn Thrust Attack, Birdf4 f5 d4 d5
A03Horsefly Defense, Birdf4 Nh6
A04Reti; Zukertort; A04Nf3
A06A06Nf3 d5
A06Nimzovich Opening, RetiNf3 d5 b3
A06Santasiere’s Folly, RetiNf3 d5 b4
A09Reti; Landstrasser G; Wolf G; A09Nf3 d5 c4
A09Benoni Reversed; Wing BlumenfeldNf3 d5 c4 d4
A09Reti PolonaiseNf3 d5 c4 d4 b4
A09Reti Gambit AcceptedNf3 d5 c4 dxc4
A09Neo-Catalan, RetiNf3 d5 c4 e6 g3
A06Old Indian AttackNf3 d5 d3
A07Barcza Opening, Reti; A07Nf3 d5 g3
A08A08Nf3 d5 g3 c5
A06Reversed Mexican Defense, RetiNf3 d5 Nc3
A04Wade DefenseNf3 d6
A06Improved Lisitsin G, RetiNf3 f5 d3
A04Lisitsin Gambit; Polish GambitNf3 f5 e4
A04Polish G; Dalesio G; Pirc-Lisitsin GNf3 f5 e4 fxe4 Ng5
A04Lessing DefenseNf3 Nc6
A05King’s Indian Attack; Reti; Zukertort; A05Nf3 Nf6